State-mandated 'study' to attack pregnancy resource centers … never appears!

 March 2, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A report from the American Center for Law and Justice explains that a New York state-mandated "study" of pro-life pregnancy resource centers was a success – because if it ever was done, it never was released.

The legal team of the ACLJ explained that New York lawmakers adopted a law in 2022 that targeted "Pregnancy Resource Centers" for a government "study" that was to document "unmet health and resource needs facing pregnant women in New York."

The ACLJ explained, "While the idea of a study to see if the needs of pregnant mothers are being met in the state seems like a good idea, this was a deceptively named 'study' intended primarily to target pro-life centers and ensure that the only information pregnant mothers in need received was from the abortion industry."

To date, neither the study nor any results have appeared, it explained, "And that’s a good thing!"

The ACLJ explained when the law was adopted, it immediately prepared, and worked to have those pro-life centers ready.

"A coalition was formed to ensure that every pro-life center in New York had legal support if or when the study was conducted. The ACLJ represented four PRC directors, none of whose centers received a request from the Commissioner of Health for any information," the report said.

"The proactive measure of obtaining legal counsel before the implementation of the law was critical to ensuring that the PRCs in New York would not be targeted and harassed by the law."

The report said the "study" was to have been biased by showing how "limited service pregnancy centers" impacted the ability of women to get "accurate, non-coercive" health care information.

What the law did do, the ACLJ reported, "was to further illustrate how desperate radical abortionists are to achieve abortion on demand – with no alternatives."

The organization recently wrote to the attorney general in Pennsylvania on a related issue;

"Pregnancy Resource Centers provide free or nominal cost assistance to millions of women annually, including hundreds of thousands of free ultrasounds each year (over 486,000 in 2019) along with medical services, education, and referrals. In 2019, over 10,000 licensed medical professionals [s] served as paid or volunteer workers in 2,700 Pregnancy Resource Centers across the United States. Thousands more people serve voluntarily at Pregnancy Resource Centers on an annual basis. Pregnancy Resource Centers save taxpayers countless millions of dollars each year, again because many of the services that they provide for free—through the work of volunteers and the support of donors—would otherwise have to be provided by government agencies through publicly funded programs," the letter said.

They give "invaluable information and resources that help ensure that a woman is fully aware of all the facts and options truly available to her – to help inform her decision and truly [give] her choices. Including the fact that abortion is an act that is intended to permanently end the life of a preborn child[,] the act is extremely grave, gruesome, and irreversible."

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