State AG claims handguns can fire 1,200 rounds per minute!

 March 29, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

This could be a case for Joe Biden's attacks on "misinformation" or "disinformation" or "malinformation" or something.

Or it could just be a case of a politician trying so hard to pursue his agenda that the facts don't matter.

Case in point is the claim from Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison that Glock is failing to protect the public and might even have "broken to law" by knowing "for decades" of a modification to its handguns that would make them fire 1,200 rounds a minute.

That would mean the handguns would be firing a shot every 1/20th of a second.

That is the same official, according to a sarcastic report at Twitchy, who recently blamed a spate of auto thefts on auto manufacturers.

The report advised that Democrats who are going to attack the Second Amendment to first learn about guns.

"We've just about had it. We recently heard Supreme Court oral arguments on this subject. And we had actual, sitting Supreme Court justices -- plural -- believing that bump stocks could make guns fire 800 rounds per second. Yes, per second," the report warned.

The report cited excerpts from Ellison's letter, in which he was joined by other state officials.

We have followed the mounting reports about devastation and public terror caused by Glock handguns that became illegal machine guns when fitted with cheap, ubiquitous inserts known as 'switches' or 'auto-sears.'

These unfolding horror stories exemplify the extraordinary danger of automatic weapons on our streets, and demonstrate why they are so strictly prohibited.

In light of these grievous public safety issues, we were disturbed to read the City of Chicago’s recently filed allegations that you have known for decades that easy adaption into a machine gun is a natural feature of your handgun design.

The report explained an auto-switch is a device that exists but it's already illegal everywhere in the U.S. But even if a criminal installs it, a handgun likely could not achieve a firing rate of 1,200 rounds per minute.

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