Startling campaign condemns Jewish presence in popular California city

 December 27, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Using a slogan that is a knock-off of terror group Hamas' "From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free," which calls for the elimination of Israel and Jews there, a campaign has been launched in an alternative publication in San Diego demanding that same "freedom" there.

The Hamas slogan references the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Israel.

The San Diego slogan states, "From the freeway to the sea, all La Jolla must be free," referencing the Pacific Ocean.

It is in the San Diego Reader that Walter Mencken is listed as the author of "The Al-Alloj Intifada."

He quotes Amir Asham, of the University of California-San Diego's "Students for Palestinian Promotion," who said, "For much of its history, there were no Jews in La Jolla. This is a well-documented fact."

He is quoted explaining that realtors who were approached by Jewish settlers "would call the Real Estate Broker’s Association, which would see to it that the settlers were told that no properties were available."

But then, the commentary charged, the brokers were convinced, by Roger Revelle, to break their agreement to red-line Jews in order to get a branch of the UC university system.

"'You can't have a university without having Jewish professors,' he told them. And they yielded," the commentary said.

It continued that now, knowing "better," "we know that it is not only possible to have a university without Zionist oppressors — it is necessary."

The commentary then deteriorates into a discussion of "poop swastikas" in campus bathrooms and more.

"Who famously claims victim status even as they hold a community hostage, telling them they cannot have a university unless they accept colonization? The answer is clear, as is the solution," the rant continues.

Such anti-Semitism has exploded across the country and around the world since Oct. 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and butchered some 1,400 civilians, including burning whole families alive and murdering babies by beheadings.

Israel has since launched a military effort to eliminate the terror threat from Hamas, based in Gaza, and officials have promised they will not stop until it is gone.

Responding to that, the United Nations and other groups have told Israel to hold off on its tactics to allow for "humanitarian" aid, which is often used to resupply Hamas' terror forces.

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