Softball star arrested for theft

 March 3, 2024

A softball player for Baylor University has been arrested. 

The local CBS affiliate KWTX 10 reports that 23-year-old McKenzie Wilson has been charged with theft.

Wilson is the lead-off hitter and the center fielder for Baylor's softball team. At the university, she is a senior who is studying broadcast journalism.

Now, however, Wilson has landed herself in some legal trouble.

The allegations

Wilson is alleged to have stolen over $1,200 worth of goods from the Target located in Waco. Rather than take all of the goods at once, it is alleged that she took them over the course of more than 10 visits to the store.

"On May 13, 2023, McKenzie Wilson failed to scan and pay for multiple Hero Cosmetics items valued at $119.41 at the Target Retail Store …” the affidavit states.

It continues, "The theft of Hero Cosmetics items was captured by security cameras. Target Loss Prevention also provided video evidence of 11 other thefts that occurred throughout the rest of 2023 and some in 2024 where McKenzie failed to scan and pay for Hero Cosmetics items."

The most that Wilson allegedly stole on any one of these outings was $136.87 worth of goods, which took place, just recently, on Feb. 5, 2024. The least she allegedly stole was $11.99 worth of goods on Sept. 23, 2023.

This may suggest that she got bolder with every theft.

The consequences

Wilson has been charged with a Class A misdemeanor for thefts that fall between $750 and $2,500. Accordingly, she could face a fine of as much as $4,000 and a term of imprisonment for up to a year.

This, however, may end up being a small change compared to the consequences that the theft could have on her life going forward.

Baylor, thus far, has only decided to suspend Wilson from this past weekend's softball games. It does not appear as though the university is going to take any further action - or, at least, it is not going to take any further action at the time.

Brent Ingram, Baylor's assistant athletic director for communications, has put out a statement, saying, "We are aware of the reported situation, and based on the available information, we have taken the appropriate action. We will continue to handle this matter internally and in accordance with university protocols. We will have no further comment."

Wilson was held in jail on a $1,000 bond. That bond has been posted, and she has been released from the McClennan County Jail. Reports have yet to indicate whether a court date has been set.

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