'Sexual assault': Biden officials go psycho on iconic WWII image

 March 5, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new memo from the Department of Veterans Affairs in the Joe Biden administration says officials have determined that the iconic World War II homecoming photo of a sailor grabbing and kissing a girl now represents "sexual harassment and assault" and needs to be suppressed.

The memo was dated just days ago and demanded the image be banned from "all Veterans Health Administration facilities."

It was in Times Square that photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, in 1945, snapped the picture of a sailor kissing a woman in white.

It was the day Japan's surrender in World War II was announced.

The memo insisted, "This spontaneous moment was celebrated across the United States, and the photograph quickly became a symbol of victory and the joyous end to the long and devastating conflict."

However, the new "woke" military raised questions about the "non-consensual nature of the kiss."

So the ban.

However, it didn't take long for the backlash to hit.

And just that fast, the VA secretary reversed the ban.

Published reports explain Secretary Denis McDonough issued the change order only hours after the memo was shared on social media.

McDonough said, "Let me be clear: This image is not banned from VA facilities — and we will keep it in VA facilities.”

The AP reported McDonough claimed never to have approved the original ban, and rescinded it after it was dispatched.

"The VA is not going to be banning this photo," Karine Jean Pierre, a spokeswoman for the White House, said. "I can definitely say that the memo was not sanctioned, and so it's not something that we were even aware of."

The image is of George Mendonsa, who in celebration of VJ Day spotted Greta Friedman and planted a kiss. The two hadn't met before.

Friedman explained in 2005 that it was just "an event of thank God the war is over kind of thing."

She died in 2016 at 92. Mendonsa died in 2019 at 95.

The original ban had claimed, "The Department of Justice's current definition of sexual assault includes any non-consensual sexual act or any act where the victim cannot consent." It then insisted on a "no-tolerance policy."

The goal, the ban claimed, was to "foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the veterans we serve."

It said all such images should be excised immediately and questions should be directed to "Lelia Jackson, director of the assault and harassment prevention office."

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