Secret Service confiscates rubber chickens ahead of Trump's speech to Libertarian convention

By Sarah May on
 May 26, 2024

Former President Donald Trump addressed the Libertarian Party convention this weekend, and some unusual behavior from those in attendance prompted his protective detail to take decisive action.

As Breitbart reports, Secret Service agents moved to confiscate rubber chickens emblazoned with the words “Debate Bobby” that were distributed by supporters of independent presidential challenger Robert Kennedy Jr.

Chickens seized

The unusual scenario was noted by CNN reporter Kate Sullivan, who said on social media that a “pro-RFK Jr. Super PAC” was responsible for passing out the rubber fowl.

In the Washington, D.C. venue where the event was being held, a Secret Service agent was heard imploring attendees, “No lighters, no water bottles, no noisy chickens.”

It was thought that those who were wielding the chickens had plans to squeeze them during Trump's remarks, creating an audible disruption to express their displeasure over the treatment RFK Jr. has received throughout the campaign process to date, including his exclusion from planned debates between Trump and President Joe Biden.

Notably, it was not just rubber chickens that convention attendees hoped to use as their means of expression, as it was also reported that kazoos were distributed in substantial quantities ahead of Trump's presentation.

Clemency offered

Trump likely realized he was heading into skeptical – if not outright hostile – territory at the Libertarian convention, and that may explain one of the pledges he made to those in attendance.

The former president indicated that if he secures re-election come November, he plans to commute the life prison sentence of Ross Ulbricht, founder of online drug commerce site, Silk Road.

Ulbricht's cause is one championed by many affiliated with the Libertarian Party, as was evidenced by the “FREE ROSS” signs seen in abundance on Saturday night.

Trump told the crowd to raucous approval, “If you vote for me, on day one I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, to a sentence of time served. He's already served 11 years. We're going to get him home.”

Making his case

Working hard to earn attendees' support, Trump touched on other topics of concern to the Libertarian constituency, including those related to cryptocurrency.

Vowing to end what he referred to as Biden's “crusade to crush crypto,” Trump assured the audience that he had a plan to reverse the administration's current course.

“We're going to stop it. I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin will be made in the USA, not driven overseas. I will support the right to self-custody. To the nation's 50 million crypto holders, I say this: with your vote, I will keep [Sen.] Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your bitcoin. And I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency,” Trump declared.

Whether those proclamations will prove pivotal in the former president's quest to garner support from this seemingly reluctant crowd, only time will tell.

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