'Russian roulette with our lives': Feds sued after illegal rapes, kills woman

 January 22, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services are being sued for $100 million for playing "Russian roulette" with the lives of Americans after they allowed to enter the country an illegal alien who then allegedly raped and murdered a young American woman.

The New York Post reports on the case brought by Tammy Nobles, the mother who lost her daughter 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton, to the crimes of the illegal.

The assailant was an MS-13 gang member from El Salvador, the report said,

Nobles, who with another grieving mother testified to Congress regarding the impeachment inquiry of Alejandro Mayorkas, who has failed to enforce federal immigration laws, explained the horrors she experienced.

"For me this not a political issue this a safety issue for everyone living in the United States," she said in her remarks to the House Homeland Security Committee. "This could have been anyone’s daughter. I don’t want any other parent to live the nightmare that I am living. I am her voice now and I am going to fight with everything I have to get her story told and bring awareness of the issue at the border."

Later, in announcing her lawsuit, she pointed out, "Nobody at the border did their job and checked his background."

Police say Nobles' daughter was raped and strangled inside her Frederick, Maryland, trailer in 2022.

The suspect in the murder is scheduled for trial this summer on charges of murder, rape and robbery.

Authorities confirmed the suspect, a 17-year-old El Salvadoran, was a known member of Mara Salvatrucha, AKA MS-13.

Brian Claypool, Nobles' lawyer, said, "We’re bringing this lawsuit because we’re tired of being held hostage in our own country. We’re tired of DHS playing Russian roulette with our lives [and] with Kayla’s life"

The House Judiciary Committee also has revealed, "The Biden administration’s open-border policies have created vulnerabilities that criminal aliens and gang members exploit to the detriment of American citizens. The sad fact is that [Department of Homeland Security] Secretary [Alejandro] Mayorkas and the Biden Administration have failed to implement basic screening and vetting measures—such as checking with law enforcement officials in an alien’s home country—to ensure that those entering the U.S. are not dangerous criminals or known gang members."

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