RFK loses key campaign staffer

 May 23, 2024

A top adviser to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced on Wednesday that she would be leaving the campaign. She cited an "increasingly hateful and divisive atmosphere" as the reason for her departure. 

As The Hill reported, this is likely a setback for the third-party bid as it accelerates its efforts to gain access to the ballot across the country.

Statement from King

Angela Stanton King, who is in charge of Black voter engagement for the campaign, stated that Kennedy's candidacy "no longer aligns with my values."

“After much reflection, I’ve decided to step away from the political theater,” Stanton King wrote on social media. “I will continue to advise RFK Jr. on key community issues.”

“Now, it’s time for me to pursue peace and fully dedicate myself to nonprofit work, supporting pregnant women and returning citizens,” she continued.

“This new chapter excites me, as I focus on making a tangible difference where it’s needed most.”

Key Campaign Issues

Stanton King was a prominent counsel to John F. Kennedy on the issue of abortion, which is anticipated to gain a significant amount of attention in battleground areas this November. Kennedy and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, have been subjected to a great deal of scrutiny from critics due to their contradictory statements regarding abortion rights.

After being urged by Shanahan and Stanton King, Kennedy modified his position earlier this month to favor some restrictions on access to abortion treatment. Prior to this, Kennedy had stated that there should be no federal restrictions on the availability of abortion care.

The month before, Shanahan stated that she and Kennedy are "dedicated to bringing to light solutions that are in the best interest of mother and baby."

Campaign Influence

A frequent presence at Kennedy campaign events, Stanton King personally introduced Shanahan at her first campaign event earlier this month. He was a regular fixture at Kennedy campaign events.

Stanton King, a fan of former President Trump, was granted a pardon by Trump in 2020. She had served six months of home confinement in 2007 for her role in a car theft operation and later ran for the Republican House of Representatives in Atlanta.

During the course of that election, Stanton King professed his support for the QAnon conspiracy theory and later made the assertion that the 2020 election had been stolen.

The departure of Stanton King was reportedly due to her support for Trump, which she adamantly rejected, according to a report published by CBS News on Wednesday.

“Reports that I’ve been let go from the RFK campaign for ANY reason are 100% ABSOLUTELY FALSE,” she wrote in a social media post.

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