Report: Unseen photo surfaces tying Bill Gates to alleged Epstein victim

 December 25, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A lawyer representing a Polish model who at one point was associated with the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein charges he continued to manipulate young women after his conviction, and used the fact he knew powerful people to facilitate that.

A Wall Street Journal article explained Brad Edwards, now representing the unnamed Polish woman, charged, "Without having legitimate connections to so many high-powered people, Jeffrey Epstein would not have been able to traffic most of these women after 2008."

According to a report from One America News Network, Edwards continued, "He used the powerful people he was intermingling with to further facilitate his sex trafficking scheme, whether those people knew it or not. He was using everyone around him to create this façade of legitimacy."

The charges come as a photograph appeared, linking Microsoft billionaire and radical global warming activist Bill Gates to an alleged victim of Epstein, who died by his own hand in New York City jail in 2019.

One America News Network reports the photograph of Gates and "an anonymous Polish model," standing beside Gates, "her face hidden under a blue scarf over her neck and a gray jacket across her shoulders," appeared in an article in the Wall Street Journal.

The report noted the image appears "years after the notorious sex offender's conviction."

The report said Epstein was responsible for the picture.

"The image, which is thought to be one of the earliest to feature Gates with an alleged Epstein victim, was purportedly taken at Gates’ Seattle office in March 2014 by the dubious financier himself, years after Epstein was found guilty in Florida in 2008 of soliciting and obtaining minors for prostitution," OANN reported.

The WSJ investigation apparently revealed Epstein "never stopped abusing women," and "continued ensnaring young women for abuse after his 2008 conviction."

The Journal explained, "In March 2014, Jeffery Epstein took his private jet to Seattle to visit Bill Gates at his office. Epstein brought along a Polish model he had met a few months earlier. Dressed in a long gray coat, she posed for a photo with the Microsoft co-founder. Epstein took the picture."

OANN reported Gates also was seen posing with a Russian model at Epstein's Manhattan home, at a New York hotel, and more, the Journal's report said.

The Polish model with Gates also was in pictures with filmmaker Woody Allen, the report said.

"Similarly to Epstein, the filmmaker is no stranger to being connected to sexual allegations involving underage girls. Allen has been accused of molestation by his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, who claims that he was highly inappropriate with her when she was just 7 years old. Allen’s ex-girlfriend, actress Mia Farrow, also told the press that she had discovered pornographic photos of her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn in Allen’s home when Soon-Yi was just 21 years old and Allen was 56 years old.

OANN reported that the Journal investigation documented "how Epstein was accused of luring in additional victims by manipulating wealthy and well-connected individuals as he harassed young women with promises of professional development for their careers or by just simply offering them massive cash rewards."

The Polish model, reportedly offered "millions" to be a mistress for one of Epstein's friends, "turned down the offer and went back to Poland in 2015, the report said.

She allegedly told Epstein, in a letter, "My impression is that becoming a mistress was the only one job proposition you were really serious about. Meeting Gates or Woody was great — thank you — will never forget it — although nobody [will] hire me just because I have nice pictures with them."

The report also revealed how Epstein documented all his actions, conversations, and interactions, even requiring those he knew to write thank-you letters if he delivered any sort of favor, "so that they could be used as blackmail or some sort of legal protection, according to the Russian model and Epstein complainant who spoke to the publication," OANN reported.

The model explained, "It was almost like he was documenting everything, so we can’t go against him. If you’re not smiley and positive, he was going to give you a talk, because then you’re acting ungrateful. And those gratitude letters—I’m sure he was using them as just another guarantee that we wouldn’t go against him."

Gates previously has said he regrets having "dinners" with Epstein, and the report noted now a spokesman for Gates told the Journal, "Epstein tried, unsuccessfully, to connect himself to Mr. Gates by any means possible, including spontaneously bringing in people for photos with Bill, whom Bill did not know or interact with further."

Woody Allen, the report said, responded similarly, with, "At no time did he ever request I cast anyone in a movie—and I never did it."

The Journal piece focused on how Epstein apparently "never stopped" abusing women, and his well-known acquaintances "helped make it possible." One Russian model told the publication of those in the "JE circle" that no one had anything "legitimate" to add to their resumes.

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