Report: Book reveals Fani Willis built case against Trump on illegally recorded call

 March 7, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

As if Fulton County, Georgia, DA Fani Willis wasn't facing enough trouble already in her radical organized crime case against President Donald Trump and more than a dozen others, a ruling is expected as early as this week that might boot her from the case over conflicts of interest.

The facts are that there have been allegations of perjury, subordination of perjury, bribery, kickbacks, and more in the case. The fight is over her claims that there was an organized conspiracy involving Trump and others to violate the law following the 2020 presidential election.

Now a report from The Federalist documents how the entire case came about because of evidence from an illegally recorded telephone call.

And under court precedent, such evidence is simply not usable in any case.

It is Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, editor-in-chief at The Federalist, who dived into a new book, "Find Me the Votes: A Hard-charging Georgia Prosecutor, a Rogue President, and the Plot to steal an American Election," by activists Mike Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman.

They talk about Jordan Fuchs, a political activist working for the state of Georgia, who recorded that "widely misunderstood" phone call which Democrats claim included illegal behavior.

The book confirms that the call, which predicated Willis' entire case, "was illegally recorded. That means the entire prosecution could crumble with defendants having a new avenue to challenge Democrat lawfare," the report said.

The book states, "Fuchs has never talked publicly about her taping of the phone call; she learned, after the fact, that Florida where she was at the time is one of fifteen states that requires two-party consent for the taping of phone calls. A lawyer for Raffensperger’s office asked the January 6 committee not to call her as a witness for reasons the committee’s lawyers assumed were due to her potential legal exposure. The committee agreed. But when she was called before a Fulton County special grand jury convened by Fani Willis, she was granted immunity and confirmed the taping, according to three sources with direct knowledge of her testimony."

Explained the report, "Democrat Fani Willis’ legal troubles extend beyond recent revelations that she deceptively hired her otherwise under-qualified, secret, married lover to run the political prosecution of former President Donald Trump and other Republicans in Georgia."

It continued, "For years, the media and other Democrats have held up Willis as a brilliant and credible prosecutor of Republicans. The new book suffers from poor timing, with Willis and her lover accused of perjury, subornation of perjury, bribery, and kickbacks related to the prosecution. Willis could be removed from the prosecution as early as this week."

The telephone call was between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Willis has recalled, according to the book, hoping that Raffensperger was in Fulton County for the call, so she could use her "false understanding" to prosecute Trump.

But the book confirms Fuchs, a political activist, recorded the call in Florida, "where it is illegal to record a call without all parties to the call consenting to the recording. She neither asked for nor received consent…"

The report notes Fuchs, in the book, offers "frankly unhinged" comments about the 2020 election and displays a lack of knowledge about elections, thinking "Georgia requires voters to use Social Security numbers to vote."

"Fuchs is instead described as a 'street-smart deputy' of Raffensperger who is obsessed with personal slights, political payback, and her hatred of Trump, his supporters, and his team," The Federalist reports.

Fuchs recorded the call involving, Trump, Raffensperger, and their associates, then promptly handed it to The Washington Post, which is known for its agenda to push false theories that damage President Trump.

The report confirmed Fuchs said in a Facebook post she was in Florida visiting family around the time of the call.

"The authors go on to say Fuchs would attempt to escape prosecution for the call if a Florida official brought charges by claiming she taped and immediately leaked the call to The Washington Post for 'law enforcement purposes.' The authors somewhat hilariously describe this claim as an 'effective defense,'" The Federalist explains.

The book then also confirms that the recording "was the single piece of damning evidence that had launched [Willis'] investigation."

But that entire investigation would be considered corrupt, if based on illegally obtained information.

"Fruit of the poisonous trees is a doctrine that extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained," according to Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute. "As the metaphor suggests, if the evidential 'tree' is tainted, so is its 'fruit,'" the report said.

"With Fani Willis repeatedly saying the entire investigation into Republicans was the result of a phone call that was illegally recorded, defendants might pursue legal recourse," the report said.

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