Report: $1.5 million in taxes turned over to group with ties to pro-terror universities

 May 27, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

As federal programs more and more are being run by leftists, given Joe Biden's appointments of long lists of ideologues, their decisions sometimes are going to leave Americans stunned, such as the handouts by the Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities of more than $1.,5 million to an institute with ties to two terror-linked Palestinian universities.

The revelations come in a report posted at the Federalist, which pulls back the curtain on the Palestinian American Research Center.

That organization, from 2010 to 2022, got some $1,508,888 in tax money.

But the report said at the same time it maintained "a close relationship" with Birzeit University and An-Najah National University, in Birzeit and Nablus.

"PARC has taken at least two delegations to both universities and even hosted a conference at Birzeit," the report revealed.

But, it pointed out, "Groups of Hamas affiliates have been arrested at both schools within the last several months, and Hamas-affiliated parties hold majorities on both universities’ student councils."

The Federalist noted in addition to money from the two federal agencies, PARC also takes cash from the Council of American Overseas Research Centers, which takes its money from the State Department, the U.S. Department of Education, the Smithsonian Institution, and private foundations.

That figure totaled more than $500,000 in "subgrants," from 2018 to 2022, the report said.

PARC sent delegations several times to Birzeit, and it lists the school there on its website.

"Four of the 21 members listed on PARC’s 'Who We Are' page either currently work at or have previously worked at Birzeit University, one is codirecting a Birzeit University project, and an additional member earned a degree there," the report said.

And Israeli security forces arrested eight terror suspects at Birzeit University just weeks before Hamas terrorists attacked Israel and killed some 1,200 civilians, kidnapping another 200, on Oct. 7.

The school even said on social media, "Glory for martyrs," a "slogan widely interpreted to glorify terrorists," shortly after Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack, the report confirmed.

PARC chief Rebecca Stein promoted Birzeit's "Israel Studies" program that graduates have said provides them with "knowledge" about their "enemy," Israel.

The connections go further, with half of Birzeit's student council linked to Hamas, and most of PARC's leadership team confirmed to having ties with the Institute for Palestine Studies, which is tied to Birzeit.

And, the report confirmed, "PARC appears to maintain close ties with An-Najah National University, which Hamas calls a 'greenhouse for martyrs.'"

Students at that institution have faced arrest for coordinating rallies in support of terrorism.

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