Rep. Jordan confirms new whistleblower in Fani Willis probe

 February 25, 2024

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan shared on Friday that a new whistleblower has surfaced from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ office, adding a layer of intrigue to the ongoing investigation.

Jordan made the revelation during his appearance at the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington D.C., where he addressed the latest developments in the inquiry initiated after the committee served Willis with a subpoena in early February.

The reveal

The subpoena aimed to obtain documents pertinent to allegations of misuse of federal funds.

During a question-and-answer session, former White House Political Director Matt Schlapp prodded Jordan about any response from Willis regarding the subpoena.

Jordan indicated that while Willis was expected to furnish the requested documents, no communication had been received as of then.

The details

In a light-hearted exchange, Schlapp invoked the famous catchphrase from the sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes," asking, “What you talking about Willis?” Jordan responded, humorously noting the lack of response from Willis or her boyfriend, attorney Nathan Wade, with whom she has a personal relationship.

Jordan delved deeper into the situation, revealing that a whistleblower from Willis’ office had raised concerns about the handling of federal funds, leading to her termination.

“The whistleblower – I think she’s like 4′ foot 11,” Jordan stated. “But Fani Willis had seven police, like, escort her out when she fired this lady because this lady raised the concern that Miss Willis was not spending federal funds – not following the rules of the grant dollars in the appropriate manner. So she raised this concern and Fani Willis fired her. She’s now talking with our office and we’ll see where that goes. And that’s why we’ve subpoenaed for records and documents related to this. We’ll see what we get. There’s still a few hours left in today.”

Despite facing police escort upon her dismissal, the whistleblower has since engaged with the committee staff, shedding light on potential irregularities.

Republicans cheer

Jordan's mention of the whistleblower garnered applause from the CPAC audience. He commended her bravery, highlighting her petite stature juxtaposed with her willingness to challenge alleged financial mismanagement within the office.

He further remarked on the unconventional manner in which the subpoena was delivered, noting Willis' insistence on involving the U.S. Marshals despite prior correspondence between their offices.

The saga surrounding Willis and Wade's relationship, which came to light in January alongside allegations of financial impropriety, has added another layer of complexity to the investigation.

Willis, while confirming the relationship, vehemently denies any wrongdoing and recently testified during a hearing regarding her potential disqualification from the case involving former President Donald Trump.

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