Protestors interrupt Biden fundraiser

 March 30, 2024

Reuters reports that President Joe Biden's recent New York City fundraiser was stopped in its tracks by protestors. 

This is the same fundraiser that featured not only Biden but also former president Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Reports indicate that the trio managed to bring in some $26 million. But, the White House is keeping a tight lid on the details of the event, including on who was there.

The three of them - Biden, Obama, and Clinton - were sitting on the stage of Radio City Music Hall - along with television personality Stephen Colbert - when the protests broke out. It appears that the event had many interruptions.

What happened?

The details of the incident have been reported by the New York Post. The outlet reports, "Several waves of protesters disrupted President Biden’s grandiose fundraiser . . ."

The Post went on to provide some specific details about the protests.

"One demonstrator, a woman blowing a whistle, holding a 'War pig' sign and warning of 'nuclear war with Russia,' was removed from the lavish New York City event, dubbed a 'grassroots fundraiser' by the 81-year-old president," the outlet reports.

It continues, "The first interruption was quickly followed by booing and whistling and two other waves of protests related to Biden’s support for Israel’s war against Hamas. 'Shame on you, Joe Biden,' one of the anti-Israel demonstrators shouted. Multiple people yelled, 'Blood on your hands.'"

The Post reports that Biden had the protestors removed from the event.

Obama snaps

Reuters reports that the protesting proved to be too much for Obama and that the former president ended up snapping at the protestors.

Jeff Mason, a reporter for the outlet, revealed as much in a message that he posted to his social media account.

He wrote, ".@POTUS @JoeBiden @BarackObama @BillClinton on stage at Radio City Music Hall. The fundraiser has been interrupted multiple times by protesters. Obama snapped at one of them: you can’t just talk, you have to listen."

"Genocide Joe Has To Go!"

There was also a lot of protesting that took place outside of the venue, and this protesting was caught on camera. Footage can be watched here:

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