Pro-life Christian organizations sue Letitia James over efforts to silence them on abortion pill reversal

 May 2, 2024

New York crisis pregnancy centers are suing state Attorney General Letitia James following her crusade against their advertisements for abortion pill reversals, the Washington Examiner reported. The Thomas More Society, which represents the organizations, claims her objections violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

The lawsuit contends that James is attempting to silence pro-life voices by unfairly wielding her power over them. The groups included in the lawsuit include Compass Care, Heartbeat Internation, and other pro-life organizations.

The treatment is sought by women who have taken a drug like mifepristone, which is part of a two-drug course that induces abortion by blocking progesterone. Rather than being forced to go through with an abortion after changing their minds, the mothers are able to contact a pregnancy center and receive bioidentical progesterone from a doctor to override the abortion medication.

The filing points out that "James has no business butting into the intimate medical decision of an expectant mother, in consultation with the medical professional of her choice, to carry her pregnancy to term and save her unborn baby from the disastrous effects of mifepristone while there is still time to undo the effects of that powerful chemical." For James, it's not a medical issue at all.

Playing Politics

The lawsuit came in response to a warning letter James's office sent on April 22 to several of these pro-life pregnancy centers. She slammed them for their "repeated and persistent misleading statements and omissions" regarding services to reverse the effects of abortion medications.

There's no reasonable explanation for this viewpoint or for withholding this treatment from women who are seeking it. A 2018 study of abortion reversal found that it was effective 68% of the time when using high-dose oral progesterone.

Instead, Peter Breen, who is the executive vice president and head of litigation for the Thomas Moore Society, believes this is another political ploy by the rabidly abortion-minded official. "This is a political witch-hunt against small nonprofits that have selflessly served New York’s pregnant women and their children for over 50 years," Breen said.

"Letitia James should be heralding these charities, not launching outrageously false claims against them under laws that don’t apply to their noncommercial speech," Breen added. He also pointed out that "doctors have been prescribing supplemental progesterone for pregnant women at serious risk for miscarriage," which negates James's objection about effectiveness.

Similarly, Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey called it "unconscionable" that the state would "protect abortionists and abortion on demand up until birth" while going after pro-lifers. "Now they are targeting those who assist a woman in exercising her right to continue her own pregnancy," Godsey said.

Shouting Her Abortion

James may be particularly incensed by the idea of reversing abortion because of her own history. The 65-year-old spoke about terminating her own child during a 2022 rally in New York, Fox News reported.

She noted that when she became pregnant shortly after being elected to the New York City Council." I walked proudly into Planned Parenthood. And I make no apologies to anyone," she told protesters. Unlike the women who can be treated quickly to undo their terrible decisions, James is stuck with hers.

"But my God teaches me all about love and acceptance. And my God teaches me about privacy," James said, though it's unclear what God she worships who values privacy over the life of a child.

"And my God says you’ve got to make the best decision for your body and your life. So I make no apologies to no one," she protested loudly.

James has an irrational hatred of anyone or any organization that attempts to save the lives of the unborn and is using her office to act on that. Hopefully, the Christian pregnancy centers will prevail in this lawsuit against her and go back to their important work saving lives.

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