Powerful labor union makes huge donation – to the GOP!

 February 23, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

In a move that raises red flags for Democrats about their almost always reliable support from unions, the Teamsters have made a significant donation this year to the Republican National Committee's convention fund.

It is at that convention that President Donald Trump likely will be named the party's 2024 presidential nominee.

report in Axios calls the union "one of America's most powerful labor unions" and confirmed it has donated $45,000 to that convention fund.

The report noted it "matters" because it comes as "Trump and President Biden vie for blue-collar support in key swing states…"

The report noted it's not yet an "endorsement," but "it's a powerful statement from a union that's supported every Democratic presidential nominee since Al Gore."

The Washington Post said it was the first major Teamster donation to the RCN since 2004.

The union said the check was issued a month ago and "will be sent soon."

The contribution came about shortly after Trump met with Teamsters president Sean O'Brien behind closed doors.

At the time, Trump explained it was a "very strong meeting."

The report said the Teamsters also donated $45,000 to the Democrats' convention fund.

commentary at ZeroHedge said, "This move has sparked huge concern that unions are losing faith in President Biden, lauded as the most pro-union president ever."

It explained the union represents about 1.3 million UPS and other transportation workers.

It noted, "Biden has frequently touted his strong ties with labor unions. However, the president's failed economic policies, known as 'Bidenomics,' have crushed the working class under the weight of inflation."

Inflation has surged more than 17% since Biden took office, mortgage rates are at their highest in years, and critical consumer goods, food and gasoline, have created budget issues for millions of Americans.

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