Possible deal: 40 Israeli hostages to be released if 800 terrorists freed

 March 25, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new report suggests a deal is in the works that would free about 40 Israeli hostages still held by the terrorists in Hamas, who abducted them at the same time they butchered some 1,200 civilians during an invasion of Israel last Oct. 7.

A report from JNS explains that the cost to Israel would be the release of some 800 terrorists, including about 100 convicted of murder.

The reports of the possible agreement come out of truce talks that are taking place in Doha, Qatar.

Axios journalist Barak Ravid cited two Israeli officials with a report that the inmates demanded by Hamas include 100 serving life sentences for murdering Israelis.

"Ravid reported that the number stands at 700, while an Israeli official briefed on the Doha talks told Reuters the figure could reach as high as 800," the report said.

The report said the exchange plan, still a proposal, would happen during a six-week ceasefire that the United States and others have proposed.

Israeli officials, however, repeatedly pledged to finish the war by eliminating the terror threat from Hamas.

Hamas, which dispatched terrorists to commit atrocities against Israelis, including burning whole families alive and beheading babies, is demanding now that Israeli troops be pulled from the Gaza Strip, the report said.

About 250 Israeli hostages were taken initially in the Oct. 7 war launch, and about 134 remain prisoners of Hamas.

Mossad director David Barnea has been leading an Israeli delegation in Doha to discuss ceasefire plans.

The release of about 400 inmates was originally mentioned, but Ravid’s reporting explained Israel "became more flexible with the number of prisoners based on mediation by CIA director William Burns, and Qatari and Egyptian mediators."

Hamas has declined so far to confirm it would accept the plans.

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