Pompeo: U.N. celebrated terrorism at U.S. taxpayers' expense!

 January 15, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new report from Mike Pompeo, who served as U.S. secretary of state during the administration of President Donald Trump, is condemning the United Nations for the celebrations by one of its factions of the horrific Hamas terrorism inflicted on Israeli citizens – done at the expense of American taxpayers.

Pompeo, in a report at the American Center for Law and Justice, where he now serves as senior counsel for global affairs, pointed out that the U.N.'s Reliefs and Works Agency "actively celebrated the Hamas attacks on October 7th, and in some instances, took pride in having influenced them."

He said, "Antisemitism thrives in many international organizations – just this week, the U.N.’s top court – the International Court of Justice – is hearing a case that absurdly accuses Israel of committing genocide in its efforts to wipe out Hamas – but antisemitism is particularly pernicious in UNWRA, which is one of the many reasons the Trump administration refused to fund it."

However, he warned that that decision was reversed by Joe Biden, and he and his administration already have given the group "close to a $1 billion American taxpayer dollars."

He cited reporting from the U.N. itself to reveal that "hundreds of teachers employed by the United Nations Reliefs and Works Agency (UNWRA) actively celebrated the Hamas attacks."

He said the report, from U.N. Watch, confirmed: "individuals on the U.N.’s payroll in Gaza used official channels meant for internal communication to praise Hamas’ barbaric acts on October 7th."

He explained, "One UNWRA teacher shared a post of a suicide bomb vest wired with explosives and beneath the photo wrote, 'Wait, sons of Judaism.' The same teacher went on to praise one of the terrorists who committed atrocities that day, calling him a 'martyr,' 'friend,' and 'brother.'"

Pompeo cited another UNWRA teacher who insisted Gazan civilians disregard the IDF's warnings to move from areas that would soon come under attack and into safer areas to the south, saying that "the occupation focuses on psychological warfare to strike the home front."

Such militant "Palestinian 'teachers'" likely caused many "innocent deaths, he said.

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