Polling shows voters ready to flee U.S. over 'politics'

 March 28, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Every election there are a few celebrities who try to interfere in the vote by threatening to their fans they will move out of the United States if a candidate, usually a Republican, wins.

They never follow through, despite social media volunteers who would help them pack.

But now that attitude has spread, and new polling shows that one in five Democrats would be "anxious" about their "qualify of life" if President Donald Trump wins in November and "would consider moving away."

The polling results were delivered early to Washington Secrets writer Paul Bedard.

He said this year Republicans, too, are ready to take action.

Citing the results from Greenback Expat Tax Services, he said some 85% of respondents told the accounting firm they feel "negatively" about the current political climate.

Republicans, too.

"Republicans are less reactive, but still, 1 in 12 would consider emigrating if President Joe Biden wins a second term, according to the analysis," Bedard reported.

He pointed out, "ironically," considering Biden's "blundering" on American border policies, "Mexico would be one of the first places Americans would flee to just like they did after the 2022 elections. Canada is No. 1."

In fact, Biden's decision to destroy the border security measures adopted by President Donald Trump has left millions of illegal aliens invading America across the open southern border.

It's meant billions of dollars of tax money being diverted to feed and house them, and even cities and states that previously considered themselves "sanctuaries" for illegals have been complaining about their burden.

"And in a sign that they mean it, the survey analysis found many would also throw away their U.S. citizenship. 'Over one in five Americans considering emigration due to the political climate would make a permanent move and be willing to revoke their U.S. citizenship,' the analysis said," the report explained.

The report notes that Americans emigrating to Mexico totaled 10,705 in 2020, but 19,620 in 2022. The three-year total was 46,347.

Also, Americans moving to the U.K., totaled 9,404 in 2020 but 21,936 in 2022. For Canada, the figures were 6,380 in 2020 and 10,415 in 2022.

Other destinations have included Spain, 27,849 over the three years, France, 26,821, Australia, 22,460, Italy, 17,434, Germany, 16,405, South Korea, 14,904, and Japan, 13,960.

For the three years, 45,955 Americans were moving to the U.K. and, 28,750 to Canada.

The report noted a party division of faith in democracy, with Democrats "far more eager to quit America if former President Donald Trump wins."

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