Poll shows support for same-sex 'marriage' dropping

 March 14, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

New polling shows that support for same-sex marriage in the United States has fallen – for the first time in nearly a decade.

report originally published in the Washington Stand cites results from the Public Religion Research Institute, which released the American Values Atlas Tuesday.

It showed that support for same-sex marriage dropped from 69% to 67% from 2022 to 2023.

The report noted the last time there was a drop when it went from 54% to 53%, was almost 10 years ago.

"Among Republicans, support for same-sex marriage dropped from 49% in 2022 to 47% in 2023," the report said, noting that still was 12 points higher than in 2014.

"There was also a similar drop in support among independent voters, from 73% in 2022 to 71% in 2023. Support for same-sex marriage has risen among Democrats from 65% in 2014 to 82% in 2023," the report noted.

The decline appeared to cover most religious groups, with support among American Catholics down from 75% to 73% from 2022 to 2023. Hispanic Catholics were down from 75% to 68%.

Other categories currently: Mormons, 47%; Hispanic Protestants, 44%; Muslims, 40%; white evangelicals, 37% and more.

The polling shows that a majority of Americans still support "LGBTQ nondiscrimination policies," but that support also was dropping. The poll said 80% of Americans supported nondiscrimination policies in 2022, but only 76% did in 2023.

Republican support there was down from 66% to 59%.

Also revealed was that 52% of LGBTQ community members consider themselves religiously unaffiliated. "About a third (35%) of those who identify as LGBTQ also identify as Christian, but the institute noted that those who reject 'Christian nationalism' are 'nearly unanimous (93%) in their support' for both same-sex marriage and nondiscrimination policies," the report explained.

"It's interesting to me that this very sophisticated survey funded by pro-LGBT advocacy organizations managed to have a series of questions related to 'Christian nationalist' support for/opposition to LGBT rights or protections," Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow at Family Research Center, told the Stand.

"That’s classic framing by the Left, casting Christians—or simply people who don’t think men can marry other men—as the odious troublemakers. The longer we live with the effects of sexual liberation, the less people will like it."

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