Poll shows many D.C. jurors would like to see J6 protesters executed!

 January 25, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Remember the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol was, in fact, a riot by a few hundred people.

They broke windows and doors and certainly insulted members of Congress by propping their feet up on their desks.

And while Democrats have claimed from the start it was all an “insurrection” launched by President Trump at a rally that day, there’s been literally no evidence of a true intent for insurrection.

That would include a plan to take over the government, the military, the economy, international relations, and the works.

But you apparently should not go suggesting to those "neutral" Washington, D.C., juries that it was only a riot.

Because a polling report in the Epoch Times reveals that nearly half of potential D.C. jurors would be happy to see those protesters sent to prison for life – or executed.

The report points out that multiple Jan. 6 defendants have tried to have their trials moved out of Washington, because they want what the American justice system is supposed to provide, a fair hearing.

But judges there, largely of the Democrat persuasion, have claimed repeatedly that D.C. juries are neutral. And they’ve claimed there’s no evidence of a bias.

But the Epoch Times revealed, “There is now.”

”A survey (pdf) conducted by Triton Polling and Research between Jan. 1-8 and obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times reveals an extreme level of bias among potential jurors living in Washington toward anyone who participated in the protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.”

The Times documented that there were 422 “jury eligible residents” people who were surveyed, and 27.5% said the protest participants were “insurrectionists.”

Another 13% called them “criminals” and nearly 15% called them “domestic terrorists."

Nearly 12% called them “traitors.”

The Times revealed, “The overwhelming majority also ‘strongly’ (75 percent) or ‘somewhat agree’ (14.4 percent) that former President Donald Trump is to blame for what happened, and 76.6 percent ‘strongly agree’ that Mr. Trump’s supporters are racists.

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