Poll shows roughly 60% of voters believe Biden's mental health is diminished and the media is covering it up

 February 6, 2024

It has become rather obvious to most Americans that President Joe Biden's mental and physical health has declined over the past few years, even as the mainstream media has tried to avoid or downplayed reports of that nature.

Now a new poll shows that roughly six out of every ten Americans not only believe that Biden's mental sharpness has declined since he took office but also that the media has worked to cover up evidence of his diminishment, Breitbart reported.

Those findings coincide with another recent poll which found that around three-quarters of the American people, including slightly more than half of Democrats, have significant concerns about Biden's mental and physical health as he seeks another four-year term in the White House.

Biden's mental health deteriorating; the media is covering it up

Rasmussen Reports recently revealed the results of its latest survey of likely voters in late January, in which it asked, "Do you feel like, over time, Joe Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp?"

Overall, 59% of respondents agreed with that statement, including 36% of Democrats, compared to 33% who disagreed.

According to Breitbart, the 59% included similarly-sized majorities in virtually all of the various demographic categories -- such as age, gender, and race -- except for ideology and party affiliation.

The outlet further reported that the Rasmussen survey didn't end there, though, as respondents were also asked, "How likely is it that the news media are helping cover up evidence of Joe Biden’s declining mental sharpness?"

A combined 61% of voters replied that it was "very" (45%) or "somewhat" (16%) likely that the media was attempting to cover up Biden's mental decline, while a combined 36% disagreed and told the pollsters that it was "not very" (16%) or "not at all" (20%) likely that the media was trying to hide the president's diminishment from the general public.

Nearly 90% of voters have at least some concerns about Biden's mental health

Meanwhile, during the same late January time frame as the Rasmussen survey, NBC News also conducted a poll of registered voters to determine how concerned they were about a range of issues and the two presumptive major party nominees, President Biden and former President Donald Trump.

That included a question in which voters were asked to rate their level of concern about Biden, "At 81 years old, ... not having the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term."

Overall, an astonishing 89% combined had some measure of concern in that regard, including 62% with "major" concerns, 14% with "moderate" concerns, 13% with "minor" concerns, and just 11% with "no real concerns" about the status of Biden's mental and physical health over the next four years.

NBC News noted that of the combined 76% who had "major" or "moderate" concerns about Biden's health, that included not just 95% of Republicans but also 81% of independents and even 54% of Democrats.

Voters don't have the same level of concerns about Trump

For the sake of comparison, the NBC News pollsters also asked voters to respond to a similar question about former President Trump's mental and physical health, given that he is just a few years younger than his political rival at 77-years-old, but it was abundantly clear that voters don't have anywhere near the same level of concerns in that regard about Trump as they do about Biden.

A combined 65% had some level of concern about Trump's mental and physical well-being, including 34% with "major" concerns, 14% with "moderate" and 17% with "minor" concerns, and 35% with "no real concerns" about the mental health of the former president.

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