Parents aim recall effort at school board member who endorsed porn

 January 12, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The member of a school board in Fairfax County, Virginia, who was sworn in on a stack of pornographic books that depicted pedophilia, including violent child rape, now is the target of a recall campaign from parents.

report at National File reveals that parents in the county have launched a petition to remove Fairfax County School Board Vice Chairman Karl Frisch.

The report explains he "was sworn into office on a stack of pornographic books known for their depictions and descriptions of pedophilia, including violent child rape. Frisch, an open homosexual, calls the books a 'benefit' to children and opposes parental efforts to protect their kids at all stops."

It is mom Stacy Langton who is promoting the parents coalition's efforts.

She said, in a YouTube statement, "Karl Frisch’s swearing-in on December 13th on a stack of three pornographic books which I’ve exposed in our school libraries is an obvious middle finger to parents in Fairfax County."

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