Panel sued for partisanship shut down by Biden's DHS

 May 3, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A special panel assembled in the Biden administration by Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, sued for being partisan, now is being closed down.

Fox News report explained the "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group," which included as members several people who took part in a partisan attack on Donald Trump before he was president, is being wound down.

It had been sued by America First Legal over its one-sided composition, which apparently violated federal law.

Mayorkas claimed it was a group of people from the private sector who could provide perspectives on government intelligence.

At the time it was set up months ago, he claimed, "The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners."

But it immediately drew accusations of that it was unbalanced because members included Barack Obama's Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan. They both were on the letter in the 2020 election that falsely claimed scandalous information about the Biden family, found in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden, was Russian disinformation. That information has since been documented as accurate by multiple organizations.

Republican lawmakers had cited those individuals, "known purveyors of disinformation," in complaining about the politicization of the panel.

And the legal team that sued, AFL, found that of all political contributions from those in the group, 99% went to Democrats.

AFL's case charged the apparent bias in the federal panel violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the report charged.

DHS now has filed a notice and stipulation of dismissal of the case, pointing out that the group will disappear.

And the Biden agency promised it would not re-assemble the panel "inconsistent" with federal law.

Stephen Miller, chief of AFL, called it an "unqualified legal victory."

"As a result of our lawsuit in federal court, DHS is surrendering in total to our demands: they are closing down their new partisan intelligence board featuring Clapper and Brennan — which would have been used to promote censored, unethical spying, and gross civil rights invasions of political enemies — and they are surrendering their documents, handing them over to our possession. We won. We beat Biden and DHS," he said.

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