'Orwellian': Porn-for-kids gets labeled as 'decency'

 March 24, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A new commentary is revealing how Democrats in one state are pushing their "decency" agenda so that children will have access to pornographic materials in libraries.

The events are developing in Maryland and are being exposed by Jeffrey Trimbath at the Daily Signal.

He's chief of the Maryland Family Institute.

"The term 'Orwellian' is overused in modern political discourse. That’s because the authoritarian regime of George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel is an easy comparison for whatever thing the speaker wants to argue against in the political debate du jour," he explained. "But sometimes the comparison is truly deserved—like when politicians seek to quell political discourse by torturing language itself to suit their ends and disparage their opponents."

That, he explained, is what's going on in the Maryland legislature, where House of Delegates speaker Adrienne Jones, a Democrat, demanded support for her "decency agenda."

"What could be wrong with that? After all, American politics could certainly use more decency," the commentary said.

"I am not asking for Marylanders to believe in what I believe in, or compromise their values. We know that we will never agree on everything, and we shouldn’t," Jones said. "To me, decency is about respect. Respect for our community, co-workers, friends, and families."

But the actual contents of the agenda are a little bit different.

Such as a "Freedom To Read Act" hidden among other "nondiscrimination" schemes, the report said.

That simply would take away the abilities of libraries that get state funding to "regulate or restrict access to pornographic materials," the report said.

"I’m not exaggerating. Anyone paying attention to debates about the content of public school libraries over the past several years—including all the allegations of 'book banning'—is familiar with the caliber of smut that the radical progressives are trying to foist upon our kids," Trimbath wrote.

He said the new "decency" plan guarantees access to "indecent materials"-- "which is the term that the Maryland Code uses to describe this kind of stuff."

"If exposing school-age children to sexually explicit materials is now the 'decent' thing to do in Maryland, then words have no meaning anymore," he said.

He pointed out that the real goals of the leftists are the destruction of family, religion, and common decency.

"That’s exactly what this is all about; if the radical activists in our school systems left discussions of sexual ethics and values to families, then kids actually might disagree with them—and the progressives simply can’t allow that."

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