'One card to rule them all': Next generation of credit cards

 May 23, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

One credit card company has begun promoting what it obviously hopes is the next generation in purchasing power: Its own card that links to multiple bank accounts and dispenses with NUMBERS, replacing them with biometrics.

It is a report at Winepress News that talks about using facial images, fingerprints, and such as "they key to the next generation of security in payments."

The company's plan, outlined recently, is "Visa Flexible Credential," and is promoted as a way to let companies "give their clients the ability to access different funding sources on an existing payment card."

It boasts of "one card to rule them all."

The report explains, "From line of credit or checking account, to loyalty points, prepaid debit or installments, some shoppers — and in the near future, all shoppers whose issuers enable the technology — are living in the future of payments, where one card can tap into different types of funding sources."

Visa claims a majority of card users want to access many accounts through a single piece of plastic.

"Visa will begin launching pilot programs later this year for their Flexible Credential, though the program is already up and running in some parts of the world with $3 billion already through their pilot network," the report said.

Also on the agenda is the conversion to biometrics for identification.

This will be addressed, the company said, in its "Payment Passkey Service," which purportedly will be a fraud detection system as well as AI that will "learn to recognize the customer's purchase history."

That means if you buy something out of the ordinary, the AI running the system could deny your purchase.

But the AI will allow you to "pay with a smile."

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