OK to abort a baby up to day of birth? HHS chief refuses over and over to say

 April 16, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Xavier Becerra, the radically pro-abortion former California state official picked by Joe Biden to lead the federal Department of Health and Human Services, has refused in a congressional hearing multiple times to explain what he believes about abortion.

Instead, he insisted over and over, during questioning by Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., that Roe v. Wade be reinstalled in federal law.

That precedent, found to be unconstitutional, in fact was relied on by the government for years for its "constitutional right" to abortion, which the high court determined does not exist.

And it, in fact, authorized abortion in nearly every possible situation, with courts striking down many time-based, health-based and other limitations that were proposed over the years.

Kennedy had asked if the mother and baby are healthy, would Becerra support abortion a baby the day before the due date.

Becerra refused to answer, commenting about "after gestation" and "40 weeks."

Becerra also claimed he hadn't heard people talking about abortion the day before the due date, again insisting on Roe's return.

When Kennedy quoted Becerra's own words, "No government, state or federal, has the right to make decisions for a woman about her body or her health care," Becerra returned to his mantra: "I have always supported Roe v. Wade."

He claimed that faulty law does not do what Kennedy described, but in fact, the actual court ruling did not provide for limits on abortion.

When Kennedy insisted, "I want your answer," Becerra again refused.

"Why are you dodging the question? Why are you embarrassed to answer?" the senator ultimately asked.

Becerra's pro-abortion advocacy has long been documented, even to the point he orchestrated charges against undercover journalists who caught abortion business players boasting about the profits they made with abortion.

One key player in the industry bragged about wanting to raise prices for the organ specimens obtained from unborn babies and sold for research because, "I want a Lamborghini."

When the Supreme Court in its Dobbs decision overturned Roe, it didn't affect abortion in America except that the federal government no longer was setting the rules, states were.

The controversy quickly divides the nation into two groups, largely because abortion is the only "medical" procedure where, if done correctly, guarantees the death of one of the two patients involved, even given the health of both going in.

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