Obama will attend star-studded fundraiser for Biden next week

By Jen Krausz on
 May 13, 2024

Former President Barack Obama is working awfully hard to get President Joe Biden re-elected despite his obvious dementia and other old-age health problems.

Next month, Obama will appear at a fundraiser in Los Angeles with George Clooney and Julia Roberts, among other celebrities that could raise millions for Biden's campaign.

The last campaign event Obama attended at Radio City Music Hall along with another former President Bill Clinton raised $26 million, and $10 million was raised just last week at three other events in California.

In fact, as recently as March, Biden had twice as much cash as Trump, who has been mostly stuck in court for the last three weeks and unable to fundraise much. Figures for April are due this week.

"It's no good"

Biden has been blanketing the airwaves with ads to try to rehabilitate his image, but polls are not really budging.

Trump is still up in at least five swing states because voters are really fed up with "Bidenomics" leaving them with less money in their pockets due to Bidenflation and a significant part of their tax dollars going to house, feed and otherwise support millions of illegal immigrants that have poured into the country under his watch.

And despite his New York trial taking up so much of his time, Trump may be starting to catch up with Biden in the fundraising department after all.

His advisors told donors earlier in the month that he raised over $76 million in April, including a record $50.5 million at one Florida fundraiser.

But why is Obama suddenly so invested in Biden's victory?

The speculation

Major political figures like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich have speculated that Obama is the one driving policy at the White House amid Biden's noticeable mental decline as he ages.

“My personal guess is that the driving force behind the Biden administration is Barack Obama. Obama is the only president since Woodrow Wilson to stay in Washington,” he said in September. “So, the fact that Obama’s here all the time, and the fact that his staff permeates, literally permeates, the Biden administration, and Obama is really, really smart. Whatever Biden’s problems are at being kind of slow and cognitively decaying, Obama doesn’t have any of those problems.”

If Obama really is running things behind the scenes for Biden, it makes sense that he would want Biden to stay in power and would do everything he could to keep him in office.

The theory also makes sense in light of predictions by political pundits and even Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that Michelle Obama could get drafted at the last minute to stand in for Biden if things get too bad.

One would think that if Michelle Obama got elected president, her husband would continue to have a major hand in things.

It seems like that would be fine with him, but the Constitution is clear on presidential term limits. If Obama is attempting to stay in power through these means, it makes him a serious offender whose massive power grab should be stopped, not encouraged.

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