NY governor mocks Trump for doing rallies in state, says Biden is winning over swing states

By Jen Krausz on
 May 24, 2024

New York Governor Kathy Hokul (D) said Thursday on CNN that former President Donald Trump is wasting his time doing rallies in New York while on trial there, while President Joe Biden is "out there" winning over swing state voters. 

Host of "The Lead" Jake Tapper appeared concerned about Trump making inroads with minority voters, but Hokul laughed off the concern.

"What won’t make a difference at all Jake, ... is for Donald Trump to be the ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx. New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president. We know him better than anyone and that means we understand what he’s all about is just for himself. So this state will go solidly behind Joe Biden for president as it has in the past.”

She is clearly trying to put a positive spin on polling that Trump appears to be gaining minority votes. An average of voters in swing states shows that 23% of Black voters there now back Trump, while only 9% did so in Biden's narrow 2020 victory.

Driving Democrats to distraction

These numbers are driving Democrats to distraction. They know that if Black middle-class and working-class voters defect to Trump in these numbers come November, Biden will lose, and may take key congressional races away from Democrats, too.

This is why Biden is in swing states while he knows Trump is stuck in New York--although the trial is almost over.

The entire Democrat party is trying to carry his water, Hokul included.

She continued, “So he wants to spend his time doing these made-up fake rallies and pretending there is support here be my guest because while you’re doing that, Donald Trump, Joe Biden’s out there on the other side, making sure he is delivering for all Americans. And so go ahead, spend all the time you want New York because we’ll be with Joe Biden. And Joe Biden is out their winning over the rest of the battleground states.”

It's a lovely fantasy, but they know better. They just can't admit it or the whole thing will fall apart.

Connecting with minorities

Trump probably isn't going to win New York, despite the crowd estimates of 10,000 to 25,000 for that Bronx rally on Thursday.

But he doesn't have to win New York. If he wins Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and maybe Wisconsin, he will likely pull enough electoral votes to win.

Connecting with minority voters in increasing numbers in any and every state can't hurt, either.

With close to six months until the election, there will be many developments that could change things to either side.

But Trump's chances are a lot better than they should be right now, and all the swing state campaigning in the world may not be able to save Biden from his own disastrous policies.

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