No impeachment trial for Mayorkas as Schumer moves to dismiss charges

 April 9, 2024

Joe Biden's embattled immigration chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, will not face impeachment after all as Democrats move swiftly to drop the charges rather than hold a trial with an all but predetermined acquittal.

The top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D-Ny.), reportedly plans to dismiss the charges as soon as impeachment articles are transmitted to the Senate this week.

Republicans have accused Mayorkas of deliberately flouting his duty to protect the southern border, which has been overrun by a historic flood of illegal immigrants.

No Mayorkas trial

The Biden administration and Democrats in Congress have furiously dismissed the impeachment - the first of a Cabinet official since the 19th century - as a sham.

With Democrats in charge of the Senate, there was virtually zero chance Mayorkas would have been convicted and removed from his post.

But a lengthy trial would have kept the border crisis in the spotlight, as Biden and his party look to avoid blame ahead of a divisive election. The impeachment articles will be transferred to the Senate Wednesday, and jurors will be sworn in the next day. From there, the trial could be over in a matter of hours, Politico reported.

While Schumer has not publicly indicated his plans, top Democrats in the Senate have suggested the trial will be disposed of quickly.

"It’s completely political. It’s not serious," Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) said.

"We will do what we have to do and we'll work with Republicans to dispose of it, as quickly and appropriately as we can," Stabenow said. "We'll see how it goes. But we will do what is necessary and legal and appropriate. And dispose of it as soon as possible."

Biden deflects blame

Illegal immigration has repeatedly broken records since Biden became president and moved rapidly to unwind his predecessor's tough border policies.

A series of shocking, violent crimes by illegal immigrants has fueled public concern about the border as Biden - who spent most of his presidency dismissing the issue - fights for re-election.

Biden has tried to shift blame onto Republicans over their rejection of an immigration bill that he claims would "shut down" the border - although his campaign says that it would do nothing of the sort.

Some Republicans have defended Mayorkas, including Senator Mitt Romney (R-Ut.).

"It’s the wrong policy, it has a huge damaging effect on the country — but it’s not a high crime or misdemeanor," he said of Biden's open border policy.

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