Nikki Haley: Trump intends to 'steal' election with daughter-in-law at RNC

 February 13, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley is accusing President Donald Trump of nefarious motives in recommending his daughter-in-law for a post with the Republican National Committee.

"That's how he intends to "steal" the election, Haley charged.

It is NBC that reported on comments made by Haley at a campaign event in South Carolina.

"Now he has decided he has fired the RNC chair. He's named who's going to be the new RNC chair. His daughter-in-law will be the co-chair and he is making his campaign manager the officer that runs the party," the report quoted Haley.

While a resignation has not been announced it is expected that current RNC chair Ronna McDaniel will step down shortly after the South Carolina Primary on Feb. 24.

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