Nightmare: Squatters take over home, and OWNER gets arrested!

 March 19, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

In the topsy-turvy America today, where conservatives are jailed and liberals let off, where judges turn violent criminals loose and the Deep State's political enemies are behind bars, where illegal aliens have rights and property owners don't, this scenario probably shouldn't surprise: It is a case of squatters taking over a privately owned home and the owner getting arrested.

The New York Post explained the homeowner has been trying to remove "a bunch of squatters" from her family's home for some time.

Now Adele Andaloro, 47, was recently cuffed after she changed the locks on the $1 million home in Flushing, Queens, that she says she inherited from her parents when they died.

Under the laws of the liberal state, it is against the law for a homeowner to change to locks, turn off utilities, or remove the belongings of someone claiming to be a "tenant."


"It's not fair that I, as the homeowner, have to be going through this," she explained.

The ordeal began when she tried to sell the home – but found out that squatters had moved in without her permission or knowledge, and actually changed the front door locks.

So the owner went to the structure on 160th Street, accompanied by a TV crew, and called a locksmith to change them again.

"A heated, caught-on-camera spat with the alleged squatters quickly unfolded and ended with some of the so-called tenants — and Andaloro — being led away in cuffs," the report explained.

The city provides special "squatters' rights" for someone who has moved into a home and lived there for as little as 30 days.

A man who claims he's on a lease for the building said he was "unlawfully" evicted.

Andaloro said the time frame for someone discovering squatters, doing an investigation and such, "it will be over 30 days and this man will still be in my home. I'm really fearful that these people are going to get away with stealing my home."

The report said Andaloro was filmed entering the property, armed with the deeds, after a "tenant" left a door open.

Then a "man claiming to be on the lease," identified as Brian Rodriquez, returned and "barged through the front door," the report said.

Andaloro was ultimately arrested for unlawful eviction given she had changed the locks.

The Post reported, "The ordeal is just the latest involving squatters in the Big Apple in recent weeks after a couple’s plan to move into a $2 million home in Douglaston, Queens, with their disabled son was derailed by a squatter who claimed to have an agreement with the previous owner."

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