New witness in Fani Willis case suggests Nathan Wade's lawyer lied under oath

 March 5, 2024

A new witness is willing to testify against Fani Willis as the embattled district attorney faces possible disqualification in her case against Donald Trump. 

A motion summarizing the proposed testimony from Cindi Lee Yeager, a prosecutor in Cobb County, was submitted by one of the people charged with Trump, David Shafer.

Yeager says she was told by another witness, Terrence Bradley, that Willis began her affair with prosecutor Nathan Wade in 2019.

Bradley is Wade's former divorce lawyer. Yeager says she grew "concerned" after watching Bradley's court testimony, in which he denied any knowledge of Wade's affair.

New witness steps forward

Bradley's testimony "was directly contrary to what Mr. Bradley had told Ms. Yeager in person," according to the court motion.

According to Yeagar, Bradley confirmed that Wade "had definitively begun a romantic relationship with Ms. Willis during the time that Ms. Willis was running for District Attorney in 2019 through 2020."

Moreover, Yeager claims she overheard a phone call in which Willis warned Bradley to stay quiet about the affair.

"They are coming after us. You don’t need to talk to them about anything about us," is what Willis allegedly said. 

Bradley had extensive communications with a Trump defense lawyer in which he discussed details of Wade's affair, including when and where it began.

But on the witness stand, Bradley was evasive and dismissed his own texts as "speculation."

Relationship timeline scrutinized

The court heard closing arguments Friday after several days of dramatic testimony, including a furious performance from Willis herself.

Willis and Wade have admitted they had an affair, but they insist it is not disqualifying and that Willis reimbursed Wade - in cash - for lavish vacations they took together.

Another witness, Robin Yeartie, told the court that Willis and Wade were intimate as far back as 2019. Willis and Wade have both acknowledged meeting at a judicial conference in 2019, but they say their relationship was professional at first and only became romantic years later.

According to Yeager, Bradley said that Willis and Wade "met during the 2019 Municipal Court Continuing Legal Education Conference" and began a relationship "at or around this time."

Defense lawyers have obtained phone records indicating that Willis and Wade texted and called each other in the evenings before Wade was hired to work on the Trump case. Wade also visited Willis' condo 35 times.

The judge is expected to rule any day now on whether Willis is disqualified.

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