New scheme provides millions of dollars for 'teachers of color'

 May 21, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A plan is being pushed by lawmakers in the state of Minnesota that would embed blatant racism in a scholarship program for teachers.

Government watchdog Judicial Watch has posted a report about the proposed "Increase Teachers of Color Act."

It will, the report said, "dedicate millions of dollars to programs that only racial minorities can benefit from."

The goal is to boost the number of "teachers of color" in the state, and it will require $10 million to set up scholarships and such.

Those are to be offered only to those who belong to "racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in the state’s teacher workforce."

Applicants will be required to affirm to state officials they are "a person of color or American Indian."

The report said the sponsor, Rep. Mary Frances Clardy, a Democrat, wants $5 million to "mentor and retain" those whose race qualifies them for the privilege, and some 500 annual scholarships of up to $10,000.

Clardy said, "The two main purposes for this bill is closing the opportunity gaps, as far as recruiting and preparing teachers, and employing them and retaining them in the system."

Supporters have told lawmakers that in the state, 6% of the teachers identify as a person of color or indigenous, while 37% of students identify themselves that way.

Supporters say it's important that the teachers reflect the students.

"This bill represents necessary legislation to strengthen existing programs and to create new efforts needed to attract, prepare, license, and retain an increased number of teachers of color and American Indian teachers in Minnesota," the promoters insist.

Jehanne Beaton-Zirps, a University of Minnesota education teacher, believes that minority teachers leave the field because of "racial battle fatigue."

She said, according to the report, that many talented teachers of color have gone through her own program, but then leave teaching after a year or two.

The Judicial Watch report noted other states have created plans to diversify the teacher staff, but have not necessarily required "millions of dollars for exclusionary minority-only scholarships."

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