New RNC leadership takes over in Trump-led GOP

 March 8, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Demolishing doubts that the Republican Party now is led by President Donald Trump, new leadership has been installed at the Republican National Committee, with a Trump family member in a key role.

Just the News reports that RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel officially departed that post on Friday, allowing changes sought by Trump.

Elected as the new chief was North Carolina Republican Party leader Michael Whatley, and Lara Trump, daughter-in-law of the party's probable presidential nominee in 2024, was named co-chairperson.

A report from the Hill said the vote for the new leaders came during a gathering in Houston.

Whatley immediately confirmed he would focus "like a laser on getting out the vote and protecting the ballot."

"In less than eight months, we are going to determine the fate of not only the United States but of the entire world. And this body, the RNC, is going to be the vanguard of a movement that will work tirelessly, every single day to elect our nominee Donald J. Trump as the 47th president of the United States, flip the Senate, expand our majority in the House of Representatives," he explained.

Hill charged that Trump "has falsely claimed" the 2020 election was "fraudulent and stolen," but what is known is that never before in American elections had voters been subjected to the influence operation assembled by Mark Zuckerberg when he handed out $400 million plus to elections officials who mostly used it to recruit Biden voters.

Further, the FBI had its own interference operation going when it told media corporations to suppress accurate reporting on Biden family scandals detailed in a laptop computer that Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

A polling after the vote then confirmed that had those details been reported routinely, enough voters would have abandoned Biden to cost him the victory in key swing states, and probably nationally.

Whatley already had talked about recruiting lawyers and poll watchers to deter election fraud in the future, and he has been skeptical of mail-in and absentee voting which are more susceptible to fraud.

The report noted Lara Trump will have a major focus on fundraising.

And she noted that strategies previously used by Democrats to their advantage, such as early voting, will be adopted.

"We’ve got to play the game a little bit differently. We have to encourage people to do things like early voting," she said.

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