More links are discovered between Epstein and the Clintons

 January 7, 2024

Yet another link has been discovered between the Clinton family and Jeffrey Epstein. 

According to the New York Post, Ghislaine Maxwell - the convicted sex trafficker who has close ties to Epstein - once skipped a deposition to attend Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

Per the outlet:

Convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding instead of sitting for a deposition in a civil suit filed against Jeffrey Epstein by one of his accusers, according to court documents unsealed Friday.

Chelsea Clinton, of course, is the daughter of former President Bill Clinton, who himself is mentioned dozens of times in the recently unsealed court documents relating to Epstein. There will be more on this in a moment.

The details of the latest finding

The Post takes the reader through the details of this latest discovered link between Epstein and the Clintons.

Referring to Maxwell, the Post writes, "The British socialite was subpoenaed in 2009 to testify in a case lodged against Epstein by his alleged victim Virginia Guiffre, according to the court documents. Maxwell initially agreed to be deposed, lawyers for Guiffre wrote in the 2016 motion."

The Post, citing court documents, goes on to report on how Maxwell set up a meeting with Guiffre's lawyers, how Maxwell negotiated an agreement with them, and how Maxwell "at the eleventh hour" claimed that she could not proceed with the deposition because she needed to go to her ailing mother, which required her to leave the country.

The Post reports, "Just several months later, the sex trafficker appeared as one of 400 guests at the lavish nuptial ceremony in upstate New York."

Maxwell was even photographed at the wedding.


This all comes after a judge ordered the release of court documents related to Epstein.

It was expected that Bill Clinton's name would be found in the documents, considering that it was already known that Bill Clinton had ties to Epstein. So far, Clinton's name has been found to appear 73 times in the documents.

Clinton is not accused of any wrongdoing. But, to say the least, suspicion has been raised about Clinton, including about what, if anything, he knew about Epstein's criminal activity and about whether he participated in Epstein's abuse of young women.

One of the most eyebrow-raising pieces of evidence so far is an Epstein victim who claims that Epstein once told her that "Clinton likes them young, referring to girls."

Clinton continues to insist that he was ignorant of what Epstein was up to.

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