Former mobster Salvatore 'Sammy the Bull' Gravano says Biden family criminal allegations are 'mind-blowing' and 'treason'

 December 3, 2023

More apparent evidence of alleged bribery and money laundering as part of a foreign influence-peddling scheme involving Hunter Biden and others in the Biden family has emerged, and it is enough to make even a former convicted mafia hitman and underboss blush and cry foul.

Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, who helped the FBI bring down the Gambino crime family decades ago, said he found the criminal allegations against the Biden family to be "mind-blowing," according to Fox News.

Gravano was previously a Gambino family enforcer and underboss who served time in prison on racketeering charges but cooperated with the federal government and whose testimony was instrumental in bringing to justice former mafia boss John Gotti.

Bank investigator raised red flags on Hunter Biden

Before speaking with Gravano, Fox News primetime host Jesse Watters first discussed a new revelation from the GOP-led House Oversight Committee about a 2018 email from a bank investigator who raised red flags over Hunter Biden's disbursement of $5 million he had received from a Chinese company he was doing business with -- at least $40,000 of which eventually ended up in President Joe Biden's personal bank account.

In that email, the investigator said the movement of money from companies owned by Hunter Biden to other Biden family-owned businesses and accounts was "unusual" and "erratic," and highlighted the fact that despite Hunter's company saying the Chinese funds were a "loan" there was "no loan agreement document submitted," no current "investment projects," and no appearance of "any services rendered" by Hunter's company.

The investigator further raised concerns about the "negative" public news of Hunter's drug abuse issues and financial problems in connection with the knowledge that China was specifically targeting the children of prominent politicians -- such as the son of an ex-vice president -- for the "purchase of political influence" via "sweetheart deals," such as Hunter's $1.5 billion joint venture with a Chinese state-owned company, and suggested a "re-evaluation" of the bank's "relationship with the customer."

Watters summarized what the bank investigator had written in that 2018 email as "bank lingo for 'bribe'" and "for 'the Chinese are bribing the [then]-vice president’s family and we should tell them to bank somewhere else.'"

Biden family's alleged crimes are "mind-blowing," would result in "lifetime sentences" for mobsters

Gravano, after listening to Watters' opening monologue, said it was "an incredible story" and "mind-blowing. I don't understand how the country is just sitting back listening to these things and no action is being taken."

"If you want my opinion, there are so many guys I know who would go to prison for 20-to-lifetime sentences for this kind of stuff," he continued. The former mobster went on to say what he has seen of the allegations against the Biden family constituted "treason" against the United States, which is punishable by the "death penalty."

Gravano praised Watters and others in the media and government for being brave enough to risk potentially severe consequences to speak out about the Biden family's alleged crimes.

"I cooperated years ago -- everybody knows it -- with the FBI, the federal government, some prosecutors, [former federal Judge] John Gleeson and different judges. And they were so honest. It was unbelievable. I was proud to be with them for a while. I'm still friends with a lot of them," he said. "And some of them tell me, 'Sammy, I spent my whole life in the FBI. I'm embarrassed to tell somebody I'm an ex-FBI agent.' And I said, 'Don't feel like that. Just get out. Speak. Talk against it. Do something. Don't sit back.'"

Mob was "like choirboys" in comparison

Watters suggested there was some comparison between what the Biden family has allegedly done and what Gravano's mob colleagues used to do, but Gravano replied, "It's true. But we did things -- I don't even want to compare. We're like choirboys compared to these people," and referenced the mafia's unwritten code to protect the general public from harm.

The former mafia underboss went on to assert that, at least in the opinion of himself and some others, New York City was a safer community when the mob exerted control over the streets and kept random street-level criminals in check.

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