Melania Trump tells reporters 'stay tuned' to see if she joins husband on campaign trail

By Jen Krausz on
 March 20, 2024

When reporters caught up to former First Lady Melania Trump on Tuesday as she and former President Donald Trump voted in the Florida primary and asked her whether she would join him on the campaign trail, she would only say, "Stay tuned."

Melania has been mostly absent from the public eye since her husband left office in 2021.

She appeared at his campaign announcement in 2022 and could be seen at her mother's funeral in January and on a few other rare occasions, but does not seem to crave the spotlight like some first ladies do--at least according to her husband.

She has not been with her husband at any of his court appearances, rallies, or victory speeches following primary wins.

A "private person"

The former president was asked last month at a Fox News town hall about Melania's many absences and said she was a "private person" who would rather be with their family than on camera or in public.

“You know, a lot of first ladies would go out — they want to be everywhere. They get angry at their husband because he’s not introducing them,” Trump said. “If I didn’t introduce Melania, she’d be very happy about it. She’s just a different kind of a person.”

Melania did tell Fox News in May 2023 that she supported her husband's re-elect bid.

“He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for the future and leading America with love and strength,” Melania Trump said in an interview at the time.

“My husband achieved tremendous success in his first administration, and he can lead us toward greatness and prosperity once again,” she added.

Lack of chivalry?

Other reports have corroborated Trump's narrative that she is focused on her family, most notably 17-year-old son Barron. But with Barron going to college in the fall, she will have a lot more time on her hands for last-minute campaigning.

A former top aide to both Melania and Donald as well as someone who has claimed to be close friend of Melania Trump, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff recently noted a lack of chivalry toward Melania that she thought was concerning and posted about it on X.

Whether or not Wolkoff was ever a friend of the Trumps, she now spends her time criticizing them, so we really can't take her observations at face value or as proof that their relationship has deteriorated.

Whatever is going on behind the scenes, if anything, it's obvious the Trumps will try to keep things under wraps for now.

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