Media outlets fact-check Biden's inflation claim

By Jen Krausz on
 May 20, 2024

According to Breitbart News, at least six media outlets fact-checked President Joe Biden's claim that inflation was 9% when he took office.

Biden made the claim on May 8, and Breitbart was the first outlet to debunk it.

“[N]o president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation,” Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “It was nine percent when I came into office, nine percent.”

With a simple link to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from January 2021, Breitbart showed that inflation was actually measured at 1.4% when Biden took office, which is lower than the target 2%.

The refutations

When Biden started spending trillions of dollars during the tail end of COVID-19, purportedly to revive the economy, inflation began to rise.

By June 2022, a year and a half after Biden took office, year-over-year inflation peaked at 9%. It has been up and down since, and now stands at 3.5%.

These facts were also cited by the Associated Press, Forbes, National Review and The Daily Mail. The Washington Post gave Biden four Pinocchios.

CNN refuted the claim, but added this context:

A White House official said in a Tuesday email to CNN: “The President was making the point that the factors that caused inflation were in place when he took office. The pandemic caused inflation around the world by disrupting our economy and breaking our supply chains.”

Biden is fairly desperate to find a way to spin his horrible policies, but at least this time, the media doesn't seem to be letting him get away with it.

Ulterior motives

In all likelihood, some of the outlets probably figure this fact-check will make them look like they are being fair when they show their bias closer to the election.

A March study found that Google interfered with elections at least 41 times in the last few elections.

One of the ways they interfered was by agreeing to censor some search results when asked to by the Biden administration, and other outlets have admitted that they got similar requests and agreed to them.

It's pretty certain that the media hasn't suddenly become unbiased.

They may be getting doubtful that Biden can get re-elected with his raging dementia and apparent family-wide bribery scheme, but we can be sure they'll find a way to be on Democrats' side by November.

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