McCarthy says he'd be willing to join Trump's cabinet, if Trump wins in 2024

 December 11, 2023

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) says that he would be willing to join former President Donald Trump's cabinet should Trump win the U.S. presidency again in 2024 and should Trump offer him such a position. 

Based on the polls, it is looking more and more likely that Trump will win a second term. But, as for Trump offering McCarthy a position in his cabinet, it is unclear whether this is a real possibility.

To be fair to McCarthy, his statement - that he would accept a position in Trump's cabinet - came in response to a question that he was asked during a recent interview with CBS News.

The interview aired over the weekend on CBS's Sunday Morning. 

McCarthy backs Trump

At one point during the interview, the interviewer, Robert Costa, asked McCarthy a series of questions about Trump, including whether McCarthy believes that Trump will be the Republicans' presidential nominee in 2024 and, if so, whether Trump will be able to beat Biden.

McCarthy answered both questions in the affirmative, and he went on to say that he will be supporting Trump's reelection.

"I will support the president. I will support President Trump," McCarthy said.

It was here that Costa asked McCarthy whether he would "be willing to serve in a Trump cabinet."

McCarthy replied, "In the right position. Look, if I’m the best person for the job. Yes. Look, I worked with President Trump on a lot of policies. We worked together to win the majority. But we also have a relationship where we’re very honest with one another."


McCarthy's interview with Costa came after he recently announced that he will be retiring from Congress. McCarthy did so in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, writing:

No matter the odds, or personal cost, we did the right thing. That may seem out of fashion in Washington these days, but delivering results for the American people is still celebrated across the country. It is in this spirit that I have decided to depart the House at the end of this year to serve America in new ways.

McCarthy has yet to reveal the plans that he has for his future. But, he did make it clear that he still plans on playing a big role in Republican politics, particularly by recruiting new Republican politicians and by advising new and existing Republican politicians.

What exactly McCarthy will be doing, however, remains unclear.

There is no doubt that Costa was asking McCarthy about Trump because McCarthy and Trump have not always seen eye-to-eye about everything.

McCarthy, however, is standing behind Trump - and, for that, he deserves some credit.

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