Man recounts surviving government's 'assisted suicide' campaign

 May 14, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A man disabled with a back injury, in a report in Slay News, has recounted his narrow escape from death after being signed up for Canada's assisted suicide program.

He signed up for the program when he was facing homelessness because of a surge in the price of housing and with no likelihood of escaping the possible freezing death in that country's icy winters.

But he never wanted it, he explained.

The report explains how, eventually, people he knew raised enough money to take him out of the homeless camp and now he celebrates his "deathaversary."

It is Amir Farsoud, who was due for death under Canada's scandalous "assisted suicide" agenda – because he was struggling financially.

He explained in the report his choices were homelessness and its accompanying death threats, or "Medical Assistance in Dying."

He charges physicians railroaded him into the death-by-doctor scheme, and his story is now in a BBC documentary called "Better Off Dead?"

"For the last almost eight years I’ve had the misfortune of being on the Ontario disability support program, which gives a maximum of just over $1,300 to a single adult monthly," he explained. But housing costs generally are double that, and he reached a crisis point when the rooming house in which he lived was put on the market.

"Literally after like four months of looking there was no place – there did not exist a place – that I could afford to live in," he said. That presented him with the choice: Homeless or dead.

He said then, "OK, I’m not going to be homeless."

That was not acceptable because of the threat of freezing to death, or trying to stay warm by makeshift fires and "then end up burning to death."

He said his disability qualified him for the program, but he told doctors he was agreeing to die only because of his housing situation.

"I did tell my doctor right off the bat that while I qualify for medical reasons, the reason I’m asking is my socio-economic position at the moment," he said.

No problem. The doctor booked him into the program and he was scheduled for a 90-day assessment, and then his end.

Then a Toronto reporter did a story, a GoFundMe page was set up, raising $60,000 for him, and he was able to set up housing.

So he could cancel the euthanasia.

Canada's MAID program has been mired in controversy since its outset, as it was begun to allow for the assisted death of those with terminal illnesses whose death was imminent, and possibly painful.

Since then it's been expanded multiple times so that it can be used now for physical infirmities, mental conditions, and even financial straits.

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