Man accused of felony for posting 'intimidating' signs on his own lawn

 March 22, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Lots of free speech fights have erupted in recent years in America. There have been all of those people, and groups, censored by social media because the Biden administration disliked their opinions.

That's pending before the Supreme Court now.

Many other speech fights have developed on college campuses, where leftists show their absolute intolerance for others' ideas by disrupting meetings and events, even shutting them down.

But now a speech fight has erupted in the unlikely place of Evanston, Wyoming, where a man is facing a felony charge for posting signs criticizing his neighbor, who had filed a complaint about the condition of his property.

The charge comes because, a report in the Cowboy State Daily explains, the woman who filed the complaint is a "witness" against her neighbor, and she perceives his comments as "intimidating."

The report explains the case in Uinta County District Court is against Quinin Robert Groneman,

"Groneman’s neighbor, a woman who turns 65 this year, had reported Groneman to the city last June for the appearance of his property, says an evidentiary affidavit. Groneman had a court hearing about that citation scheduled for February," the report explained.

But then on January 19, the neighbor called police to complain that Groneman had posted "threatening signs" in his yard.

The messages included, "When did the opinion of one nosey neighbor become enough to violate the rights of others by the city?"

Also, "Mind your business," "Snoby opinion Don’t take …" "Those who matter don’t mind, those who mind don’t matter," and "You can go F*** Way off!"

The report said, "The neighbor felt the signs were directed at her and that she was scared, intimidated and harassed by them, she told Evanston Police Officer Ryan Nelsen."

She accused Groneman of being "crazy" and "gun-loving," according to a court filing.

The report noted, "The felony charge of influencing witnesses is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and $5,000 in fines. It applies when someone 'by force or threats' tries to intimidate or impede a witness in a court case."

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