Majority of Americans say cheating will affect presidential race results

 February 23, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

The Democrats' oft-repeated talking point that recent elections, especially the 2020 presidential race, have been the most secure ever seems to be not getting through to Americans.

Because a majority, 52%, say they believe cheating will affect the outcome of the 2024 race.

Of course, those Americans now know the other side of the Democrats' messaging. They know that Mark Zuckerberg handed out $400 million plus to various election officials who used it mostly to recruit Joe Biden supporters.

Never before in American elections had such a sum been dumped into the election process, and it was additionally significant because it was outside of the ordinary campaign-funding mechanisms.

They also know about the FBI's interference in the campaign. The bureau told media corporations to suppress accurate and truthful, but very damaging, reporting about the Biden family scandals outlined in the laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden.

This doubt was documented by Rasmussen, who found that 52% of all voters, including 74% of Republicans, say they believe cheating will impact the election results this year.

Even 32% of Democrats agree.

Twenty-seven percent said it is "very" likely, and another 25% said, somewhat likely. Thirty-seven percent were on the other side, but a significant 11% were unsure.

report at The Gateway Pundit added, "A shocking poll released in December 2023 found that one in five voters who cast mail-in ballots during the 2020 presidential election admit to participating in at least one kind of voter fraud.

"The Heartland Institute took the polling results a step further: they measured 'the effect of mail-in ballot fraud in the Trump-Biden race for the White House' through their report, titled 'Who Won the 2020 Election?'"

The report noted there, "President Trump won outright in 26 of the 29 scenarios. If you include a tie-breaker, Trump won 27 out of 29. That and the fact that Joe Biden has no support and is a dementia patient."

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