Longtime U.S. mouthpiece for Hamas campaigns for terrorists' agenda

 December 4, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

An American organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, once was named by the Department of Justice as a co-conspirator in Hamas' terrorism, in the Holy Land Foundation case.

Court filings said CAIR and its founders, although not indicted, were involved in the largest terror funding case in U.S. history. In it, prosecutors busted up NLF, which was a main fundraising arm of Hamas in America and reportedly had sent $12 million to the cause.

At the time, former Assistant U.S. Attorney James Jacks explained, "CAIR has been identified by the government as a participant in an ongoing and ultimately unlawful conspiracy to support a designated terrorist organization [Hamas] – a conspiracy from which CAIR never withdrew."

A federal judge agreed, stating. "The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR with Hamas."

So it is perhaps unsurprising that since Hamas terrorists invade Israel, butchering some 1,400 civilians on Oct. 7 and even now promising more violence to come, CAIR is on the stump, promoting Hamas and its agenda.

And to condemn Israel.

For example, in a statement this week, CAIR, claiming to be the nation's "largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization," blamed Israel, which has promised to destroy the Hamas killers and has released its military to do just that, is breaking "Palestinian cultural sites."

That means, CAIR claims, that Israel wants to entirely "eliminate Palestinian existence."

CAIR cites a "Heritage for Peace" report that says there has been damage to 100 cultural landmarks in Gaza, including the Great Omari Mosque, the Church of Saint Porphyrius and a 2,000-year-ol Roman cemetery.

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