Letitia James launches 'witch hunt' against pro-lifers, gets sued

 May 1, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

New York Attorney General Letitia James, who recently obtained a "fraud" conviction against President Donald Trump in a case in which none of the "victims" lost any money, and they in fact wanted to do more business with him, now is being sued.

Her case against Trump now is on appeal, as analysts have warned that if the precedent she set stands, it could decimate business operations in her state. Her war on Trump widely is considered just one arm of the Democrats' "lawfare" against Trump.

But she's now facing an accusation that she's trying in another case to eliminate the rights of New York citizens.

The Washington Examiner reports the new revelations of James' scheming comes in a lawsuit by pregnancy centers across the state, charging she is violating their First and 14th Amendment rights.

The centers, represented by the Thomas More Society, sued her for threatening them with a letter that included accusations of "repeated and persistent misleading statements and omissions" regarding the abortion pill reversal process.

"This is a political witch-hunt against small nonprofits that have selflessly served New York’s pregnant women and their children for over 50 years," explained Thomas More spokesman Peter Breen.

The Examiner explained, "Abortion pill reversal methods can be undertaken in instances in which a woman changes her mind and seeks to reverse the effects of mifepristone, one of two drugs used in a drug-induced abortion process. Anti-abortion doctors handling patients who have taken mifepristone typically prescribe a dose of bioidentical progesterone to offset the effects of mifepristone."

"James has no business butting into the intimate medical decision of an expectant mother, in consultation with the medical professional of her choice, to carry her pregnancy to term and save her unborn baby from the disastrous effects of mifepristone while there is still time to undo the effects of that powerful chemical," the lawsuit charges.

Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International, one of the plaintiffs, said it simply is "unconscionable" that New York would "protect abortionists and abortion on demand up until birth" but then abuse the rights of pro-life organizations.

At RedState was the comment that James had sent the plaintiffs, "Notice of Intention to Sue" threats.

The report said, "Abortion reversal medication has been shown by at least one study to prove effective at reversing the effects of mifepristone. For mothers who change their minds after taking the abortion pill, this could be a valid way for them to save their children, which explains why folks like James might not want people to know they have this option."

It continued, "This development further underscores the reality that Democratic officials have gone from being pro-choice to pro-abortion. Not only do they seek to make abortion available, they wish to stamp out those offering alternatives to terminating a pregnancy. The reality is that if women want these alternatives, the state should have no business trying to stop them."

"If we truly believe that women should have a choice in her pregnancy decision, then she should also have the choice to reconsider her abortion after taking the first chemical abortion pill," explained Kathy Jerman, of New Hope Family Services.

Jerman also charged James with lying about the treatment.

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