Legal expert: Colorado judges set standard for 'tit-for-tat disqualifications'

 December 22, 2023

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Democrats and other extremists across America have been trying for months already to get President Donald Trump removed from the 2024 presidential ballot – primary ballots right now and then the general election ballot.

They claim that he's an "insurrectionist" and being guilty of "insurrection" he's ineligible for office. Of course, their arguments lack foundation since he's never been charged with such a crime, and in the House, where Democrats made that claim during an unsuccessful impeach-and-remove scheme, he was acquitted.

Nevertheless, four far-left judges in Colorado this week gave them their wish, ruling in a decision that is being appealed that Trump's name should be struck from Colorado's ballot.

That now actually has opened a "tit-for-tat" season of disqualifications, where each party apparently will be trying to have opponents disqualified. Already, Republicans in three states have contended that Joe Biden is an "insurrectionist" for his radical decision to throw America's southern border wide open and welcome millions of illegal aliens, and as he's guilty of "insurrection," he's disqualified from the 2024 ballot.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University who not only has testified as an expert before Congress, but represented members in court, said the Colorado judges did just that, by releasing an opinion "that lacks any limiting principles. It places the nation on a slippery slope where red and blue states could now engage in tit-for-tat disqualifications. According to the Colorado Supreme Court, those decisions do not need to be based on the specific comments made by figures like Trump. Instead, it ruled, courts can now include any statements made before or after a speech to establish a 'true threat.'"

He wrote in a website column that the Colorado judges, all Democrats, made "history in the most chilling way possible."

He said they simply made a "new law to block Trump from running."

Turley noted January 6, 2021, was many things — "and all of them bad."

Mainly, it was a "protest that became a riot, not a rebellion."

He said the Colorado judges simply eliminated "all of the fail-safes to extend the meaning" of the 14th Amendment "to block Trump."

"The result is an opinion that lacks any limiting principles," he warned.

"The Colorado Supreme Court has handed down the most anti-democratic opinion in decades. What is particularly galling is that these four justices stripped away the right of millions of voters to choose their preferred candidate in the name of democracy. It is like burning down a house in the name of fire safety," he explained.

"The only good news is that this flawed theory can now be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court where it is likely to be put to rest conclusively."

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