Laken Riley's mother slams Biden for mispronouncing her daughter's name

 March 10, 2024

Just the News reports that Laken Riley's mother recently blasted President Joe Biden for mispronouncing her deceased daughter's name during his State of the Union address. 

To refresh your memory, Laken Riley is the 22-year-old University of Georgia nursing student who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant while she was jogging by herself on the university's campus.

This situation has turned into a complete nightmare for Biden and the White House because many are arguing that it was Biden's open border policies that led to the girl's death.

It was, after all, Biden's policies that allowed Jose Antonio Ibarra - the suspect - to enter America illegally and to remain there. And, Ibarra was allowed to remain in America despite the fact that he had a long rap sheet.

Biden STOU disaster

In fact, Biden had multiple disasters during the State of the Union. But, the two that really stick out regard Laken Riley.

First off, the president managed to completely mispronounce the girl's name. The New York Post reports Biden as saying, "Lincoln — Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That’s right, but how many of the thousands of people being killed by illegals . . ."

As you can see, not only did Biden get the girl's name wrong, but he also referred to Ibarra as an "illegal." This is a big "no-no" for Democratic politicians, who instead often use such euphemisms as "undocumented immigrants." Accordingly, many Democratic politicians have rebuked Biden for letting the word "illegal" slip.

The bottom line, though, is that this has all turned into a massive public relations nightmare for Biden and the White House. The Laken Riley situation was already bad enough for Biden without what happened at the State of the Union.

Now, Biden's allies in the mainstream media are attempting to clean this mess up for Biden. But, it might be too late.


On Friday, Allyson Philips, the mother of Laken Riley, publicly criticized Biden for what happened at the State of the Union address.

Philips did so in a message that she posted to her Facebook account.

"Biden does not even KNOW my child’s name – it's pathetic!" Philips wrote.

"If you are going to say her name (even when forced to do so) at least say the right name," she added.

Then, after a social media user responded to the post by calling Biden "a disgrace of a president," Philips replied, "Amen."

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