Kamala could jump into governor's race after presidential vote

 May 16, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

One commentary is suggesting that Kamala Harris could run for governor of California if the Biden-Harris administration fails in the fall's presidential election, in order to prove her worth as a politician going forward, with a possible White House bid later in her career.

And another report notes that she's already joked with friends about it, an exchange that her office quickly denied happened.

But the Washington Examiner explains she just might have "lofty ambitions" to run the Democrat state if Biden loses in November.

It was the Examiner that cited a Politico report stating, "Vice President Kamala Harris has joked to friends that she may return to California to run for governor if Democrats lose the White House this fall, taking a page from Richard Nixon, two people familiar with her remarks said."

Her spokeswoman, Kirsten Allen, said, 'That did not happen."

She claimed Harris in November "will be preparing to be inaugurated for the second term of the Biden-Harris administration."

That's even though most polling now shows President Donald Trump up by anything from single digits to higher margins in swing states over Biden and his open-borders, pro-abortion, pro-transgenderism administration.

It was the Record-Bee that pointed out that Harris has been a notoriously "weak" vote-getter in "Democratic-dominated California," with "marginal vote-getting performances" as attorney general and then senator.

"But what happens if the Biden-Harris ticket loses this fall and Harris is left without public office for the first time in 22 years? Harris will have just turned 60 a couple of weeks before Election Day, an age when many politicians are just getting started and almost exactly 30 years younger than former U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein was when she died in office," that report said. "Not exactly a retirement scenario. And yet, if she and Biden lose, Harris would have a lot of proving to do about her electoral appeal before she could even think about running for president again, as she briefly did in 2020."

The report noted, "Enter California’s wide open 2026 race for governor. What better venue for Harris to prove she has become a much more potent politician than she ever was before?"

The Examiner noted, "The vice president has obvious connections to California and might be an instant favorite for the governorship if she ever ran, given her name recognition. Harris served as senator for California from 2017 to 2021 after a six-year stint as state attorney general."

And it explained, "There is no clear frontrunner for the 2026 gubernatorial election yet, however, California newspaper columnist wrote Harris could run into problems in a Democratic primary for governor, as she has in other Democratic primaries in the past."

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