Judge dismisses case over prosecutorial bias against far right

 February 22, 2024

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

A federal judge has dismissed charges against members of an alleged white supremacist organization – citing the fact that the government refused to prosecute members of the far-left Antifa coalition who committed essentially the same offenses.

A report in the Los Angeles Times said the decision came from U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney in Orange County.

The report explained the judge granted a motion to dismiss, agreeing with the defendants that they were being selectively prosecuted while "far-left extremist groups, such as Antifa," were not.

This same issue already has arisen in some of the federal allegations against President Donald Trump over his actions. He's facing multiple felonies for having classified documents from his presidency in his home.

Joe Biden had similar documents in his home and is not being prosecuted. Of course, the special counsel in that case explained that was being of his "diminished" capacity.

"Prosecuting only members of the far right and ignoring members of the far left leads to the troubling conclusion that the government believes it is permissible to physically assault and injure Trump supporters to silence speech," the judge ordered. 'There seems to be little doubt that Defendants, or at least some members of RAM, engaged in criminal violence. But they cannot be selected for prosecution because of their repugnant speech and beliefs over those who committed the same violence to disrupt political events."

Members of the organization at issue are suspected of inciting trouble at political rallies.

The group is the Rise Above Movement, and prosecutors had claimed it promoted itself as a "combat-ready" group.

The defendants in the case were Robert Rundo and Robert Boman. They were accused of violating the Anti-Riot Act and rioting.

Boman already was out on bond, but Rundo had been kept in custody, which prosecutors insisted they wanted to continue. The judge rejected their plan.

"I don't believe it's warranted that Mr. Rundo spends one minute more in custody, so I'm going to release him forthwith," Carney said.

A federal indictment had claimed Boman was involved in violence twice at rallies. He has since disavowed his "old antics."

Prosecutors claimed Rundo recruited new members and trained them in combat.

Another defendant, Tyler Laube, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy earlier.

Charges in the case had been dismissed once before, before being reinstated by an appeals court ruling.

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