First lady Jill Biden's speech in Arizona disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza fighting

 March 3, 2024

Leftist pro-Palestinian protesters -- some would argue they are antisemitic Hamas sympathizers -- have increasingly taken to disrupting speeches and public appearances by prominent Democratic and government officials to demand an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas terrorists in Gaza and the cessation of all U.S. support for the embattled Jewish nation.

That apparently includes first lady Jill Biden, who was interrupted at least twice by pro-Palestinian protesters while delivering a campaign speech on behalf of her husband, President Joe Biden, in Arizona on Saturday, The Hill reported.

The first lady was not harmed by either disruptive demonstrator and both were quickly removed by event security as Biden continued to deliver her remarks.

First lady's speech disrupted by protesters

The first lady was in Tucson, Arizona on Saturday to give a speech on women's issues as part of her ongoing nationwide "Women for Biden-Harris" tour in support of President Biden's re-election campaign.

Shortly after she began to deliver her remarks, a young woman in the crowd stood up and yelled, "Jill, when are you and the president going to call for a ceasefire in Gaza?"

The protester continued to yell incoherently as others in the crowd shouted her down and grabbed at her to stop the disruption until a tall man wearing a blue shirt that said "Security" on the back gathered her up and led her away.

A short time later, another protester reportedly stood up and yelled at the first lady, "This is a genocide being committed by our tax dollars -- women and girls that matter," but they too were shouted down by others and escorted out of the event by security.

Biden facing intense pressure from left flank to abandon support for Israel

The Hill noted that President Biden and other officials have faced similar disruptions from pro-Palestinian protesters demanding a ceasefire and end to aid to Israel during campaign speeches and other events over the past several months since Israel responded with military force in Gaza following Hamas' murderous Oct. 7 rampage of coordinated attacks and kidnappings last year.

Biden initially stood staunchly in support of Israel's right of self-defense and retaliation but has increasingly begun to waver under the constant pressure from his political left flank, as he has become more critical of the Jewish nation's actions while his administration has engaged in regional negotiations to halt the ongoing fighting.

Last week, while in New York City for a taped interview with "Late Night" comedian Seth Myers, Biden was asked by reporters about the prospects of a negotiated ceasefire agreement and replied, "Well, I hope by the beginning of the weekend -- I mean the end of the weekend," and added, "At least, my --my National Security Advisor tells me that we’re close. We’re close. It’s not done yet. And my hope is by next Monday, we’ll have a ceasefire."

A few days later on Thursday, Biden spoke briefly with reporters again at the White House and was asked if he still expected there to be a ceasefire agreement in place in the coming days. "Hope springs eternal," the president replied, but added, "I was on the telephone with the people in the region. I’m still -- probably not by Monday, but I’m hopeful."

Israel tentatively agrees to ceasefire; Hamas continues to reject proposals to end fighting

The Hill reported that the U.S. has been involved in talks with regional allies like Egypt and Qatar, along with representatives of Israel and Hamas, to reach an agreement on a temporary ceasefire and exchange of hostages and prisoners between the two combatant sides.

Israel has reportedly agreed to the framework of such an agreement but Hamas has rejected all proposals thus far, so the fighting seems likely to remain ongoing for the time being as Israel continues its efforts to root out the terrorist group by force from its network of underground bunkers and tunnels throughout Gaza.

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