First lady Jill Biden expresses support for supposed 'right' to kill unborn babies via abortion

 March 5, 2024

President Joe Biden, despite his professed devout Catholic faith, has often and repeatedly expressed his staunch support for the "right" to kill unborn babies via abortion procedures, and has been just as frequently joined in that stance by Vice President Kamala Harris.

First lady Jill Biden, unsurprisingly, has also shown herself to be complicit in the killing of unborn babies, as she confirmed once again this past weekend at a pro-abortion event in Tucson, Arizona, according to local outlet KJZZ.

First lady supports abortion rights

As part of her nationwide "Women for Biden-Harris" tour in support of President Biden's re-election campaign, First Lady Biden delivered remarks at a "pro-choice" rally in Tucson on Saturday that was sponsored by an organization known as Arizona List.

Much of her speech was centered on "women's rights" and supposed efforts by Republican lawmakers, both federally and at the state level, to infringe upon and undermine those rights -- including the purported right to kill unborn babies via abortion.

"Too often, we still ask women to choose between different parts of themselves. And all around us, there are extremists working harder than ever to drag us back to a past that we thought was long over," the first lady said at one point in her remarks.

Abortion rights a key part of Biden-Harris campaign

The Washington Post reported in January that President Biden and VP Harris had made the protection and restoration of abortion rights, both at the federal and state levels, an integral part of their re-election campaign.

That comes as a response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 Dobbs ruling that overturned the precedent set decades earlier by Roe v. Wade and permitted the individual states to, once again, craft their own laws and regulations on abortion procedures.

The high court's ruling resulted in numerous Republican-led states implementing pro-life restrictions on the fatal procedures for unborn babies and the full-court press from the Biden administration and Democrat-led states to halt any further erosion of the supposed right of abortion, if not broadly reimpose and even expand it nationwide at the federal level.

Of course, in the eyes of the pro-life crowd, abortion procedures equate to the brutal murder of a defenseless unborn human life, and some have gone so far as to further equate the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of legal abortions that have occurred in the U.S. over the decades to a "new Holocaust" and generational genocide.

With Jill Biden forcefully inserting herself into the conversation on abortion rights -- again, in direct repudiation of the Catholic Church's teachings that she and her husband otherwise profess to adhere to -- she has shown herself to be complicit in the mass murder of innocent unborn babies.

First lady accused of supporting "genocide" -- not via abortion, but in Gaza

Interestingly enough, NBC News reported that First Lady Biden was accused of being complicit in "genocide" during that speech in Tucson, albeit not because of her stance in support of abortion rights.

Rather, the first lady was disrupted in her remarks by no less than four different pro-Palestinian protesters who've taken issue with the Biden administration's support for Israel as it retaliates in Gaza for the murderous Oct. 7 invasion of Hamas terrorists into southern Israel last year.

President Biden himself, along with other prominent Democrats and administration officials, have similarly been accosted by anti-Israel activists who conveniently overlook the atrocities committed by Hamas and seek to hold the Jewish nation solely accountable for everything that has occurred since Oct. 8 last year.

That includes demanding a cessation of all U.S. government support for Israel and an immediate ceasefire to end the fighting -- though few, if any, of those protesters have made similar demands for Hamas to halt its attacks or release the Israeli -- and American -- hostages they have held in captivity for months.

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